/sig/ Self Improvement General
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Basic recommendations:
• Create more order in your life. Live by a routine and set goals.
• Exercise at least 3 days per week. Lifting/sports/cardio are all great.
• Use a calendar and stick to it as closely as possible.
• Learn to focus + meditate
• Eliminate any unproductive or time wasting habits (watching youtube, browsing Zig Forums, etc)
• Simplify your life. Work, hobby, socialize, eat, excercise, and sleep should be 90% of your day.
• Get a hobby that isn't excercise or work. If your hobby is video games, expand on that. Create content (guides, videos, etc.) for your favourite game or contribute your skills to an indie game project.
• Read non-fiction, watch talks/documentaries.
The best way to become a more interesting, successful and overall better person is to do more things. Try out hobbies, learn about politics, become passionate about different things, strive to learn and do more. Don't look for arguments and remain open minded. See pic related.
anyone taking the /noracism/ pill?
>day 5 of not using any racial slurs
>noticeably higher test levels
>brainfog almost completely
>multiple females mired me today
I miss old sig threads. Them actually have great advice and various links to great information rather that ¡muh roll tasks! And a dogshit discord server
Bumping with a question: does anybody know of any tools that make it easy to track how much time you've spent doing a variety of different activities? Say I want to learn cooking, Japanese, and woodworking. What's the easiest way to track the time I've spent on each of those activities individually?
based, you can never make it as long as you continue to hate
I have these things without /noracism/
Yeah I've given it a try. This was yesterday.
>on day 8 of noracism
>feeling freaking fantastic
>confident, eye-contact, high energy, etc.
>accidentally relapse by calling my mom a nigger
Feels fucking suicidal every time that happens, but oh well. Trying to hang in there, what gives me strength is knowing that it'll get better in a couple days, as long as I don't relapse again.