Hey dudes, had a great day at work, then at the gym afterward with my gym bro and saw so many happy lovely people there too.
I got home and felt the need to watch sad videos all night, been watching those sad Thai commercials and abandoned animal videos with sad music for the past 6 hours now and I can't sleep. I just keep crying. I feel like I'm getting something out of me and all I want is to hug my dog and my cat and my nan. I also want to hug those I lost over the years. And work out in my old gym...
Is crying good for you? For your hormones? Is it Zig Forums?
when i had to put down my pupper i cried like a fucking bitch man
Ryan Russell
i just watch heroic videos on YouTube every now and then to remind me of my conquerors spirit
Robert Gomez
when I quit my job, flew across the country and then failed test required to get hired at goal job last year
Levi Lopez
The day after I take phenibut I cry almost every time guaranteed
Caleb Reyes
Almost every time guaranteed yes I’m retarded
Aaron Ross
Haven cried in a while, would probably remove lump from chest
Ayden Gomez
I cry just about every time I rewatch one piece... that anime is apart of me at this point
Alexander Morgan
that's weird. i feel anxious and want to isolate after phenibut but that's it.
Jacob Cox
I came close 2 weeks ago. Just felt like shit and very down on my current life situation. Blessed with beatiful, loving parents who support me but being single at 30 with no career, gf and still a virgin hit hard. A few push ups staved it but it creeps along at times.