Jep, he still based.
Jep, he still based
are you finnish?
Literally who?
vittumainen siima
saako siemennesteestä testosteronia?
Ugly manlet rat who doesn't know anything about fitness, didn't achieve a single thing in his life and just went on a few cycles of steroids after hitting 40 so now he can pretend he was an expert all along and you too can have high muscle mass with low bodyfat body all year around if you do these exercises that didn't contribute this this roid body.
Based on shit programming dangerously bad technique.
His rehabilitation advice is top tier faggit
Don't give a shit about cripples
Keep seething while Jeff makes millions
He's shit at coaching the big three and vain
His nutrition and recovery advice is solid
Very few fitness personalities give better advice (Baraki, Meadows, Doucette)
This guy pecs are annoying
That explains your lack of self-respect, lmao
That's good because the rest of his advice is gonna fucking hospitalize you.
Why is his advice so bad? Can you give examples? I watch him a lot, he's a nice guy.
Everyone who shits on Jeff can suck my fucking dick, face pulls saved my shoulders
Why does Zig Forums hate him?
He doesn't coach deadlift properly, tells people to initiate with quads, can't keep the bar on his shins, etc.
He gives bad bracing advice on squats, telling people to tuck their transverse abdominis in, instead of breathing it out as far as possible to create an air column around which the muscles can contract.
He can't keep his elbows in on bench like he coaches.
And he used fake weights to show these lifts. He has chronic knee and shoulder injuries, but that does not excuse vanity and coaching bad form.
Still, he is a net good influence.
>king of dyel training advice
>created his channel based on "functional fitness", gimmicky useless isolation exercises that have low effectiveness for hypertrophy or strength
>women's Athlean-X channel is a complete joke and he should've been smoked out for that alone
>he doesn't know how to lift heavy
>uses fake weights to pretend he can lift heavy
>on TRT
>nutrition advice is average if even
Jeff only looks big because he's low body fat, he's not actually big or strong
He doesn't know how to program strength, he's a physio-therapist with no clue about strength. His claims to be a "strength coach" which isn't true.
His squat advice will snap your back, ie breadth out before the lift. His deadlift movement pattern is worse than novice and his bench press advice is pretty shitty too. He didn't even have a clue as to why people arched their backs for bench press and even claimed the form would cause injury which is flat out untrue, something he said less than a year ago. He even pushes half reps which are useless and can be cause injury because people need to be strong through the entirety of the movement pattern. Jeff's inclination to half reps is for people with existing injuries which doesn't carry over to healthy individuals.
The focus for novice trainee should bar none be compound movements for optimal muscle hypertrophy and strength. Learn the proper movement pattern and how to progressively overload with excellent form. You don't need to do gimmicky isolation exercises until you're intermediate and you need to strengthen your stabilizers to protect yourself from heavier weight.
Reason Jeff spams useless shit all the time is because he's trying to monopolize the youtube algorithm. He wants your money and he doesn't give a shit if he spams useless information to get it, If you compare him to an actual Strength Coach such as Christian Thibaudeau it's night and day.
What about this guy Jeff Nippard then, if you've seen him? He has a technique Tuesday playlist that has very high production value imo, and the form he shows seems pretty good, but I'm still a beginner so I don't really know what I'm talking about.
Keep seething, negro. And use fucking commas.
Regardless of the click-baiting titles of his vids, his advice is pretty good.
I don't follow fitubers but I find Cavaliere and Thrall to be solid.
Jeff Nippard and Mike Israetel have retard programming too and basically don't want you to train to failure.
If you want strength, go to Alan Thrall, the Barbell Medicine Guys, or Christian Thibaudeau; if you want bodybuilding, go to John Meadows.
And FitnessFAQs has much better advice for calisthenics than AthleanX.
>Jeff Nippard and Mike Israetel have retard programming too and basically don't want you to train to failure.
I don't use him for his programs or anything like that, I mainly use him to figure out my form since his vids are very high quality. I'll check out FitnessFAQs since I have some calisthenics in my program (Ripptoe's Starting Strength).
What if I take isrataels volume recommendations but take all those sets per week to failure?
>fraud weights
>frauds height
>frauds his own natty status
>babbles for fucking 20 minutes instead of getting to the point
>sounds autistic
Fuck this retard. I unironically only listen to dr. Greg Doucette for advice, pretty much everyone else is trash. Prove me wrong.
You won't recover, likely not even on gear. If you actually take a set to failure, you can't do it again - your reps will go down a lot.
You want one hard compound to technical failure, then do isolation (safely) to and beyond failure - forced negatives, drop sets, cluster sets.
Most of the volume is just building up to those sets that count.
He's a fear merchant. His programms are shit, his diet advice is god-awful. I absolutely hate the whole "this popular exercise is awful for you, here's shit that i made up a week ago that's much better" schtick. To me, his channel is for boomers and teens who just started going to the gym, but still feels superior to people wtih years of experience and twice their size cause they saw them do seated machine press once
>If you actually take a set to failure, you can't do it again - your reps will go down a lot.
That's the idea. Failure is failure, right? Does it matter how many reps it took or if I have to drop some plates?
Lmao keep seething from the seated machine press, tubby.