If you wear these fucking things you are a sack of shit who deserves to die
Yikes what's with the insecurity
It's funny because the only people I see wearing these are glasses wearing soïs looking bald incels. They are incredibly popular among these guys.
im calling cps you fucking child fucker
holy autism. imagine noticing what other people wear on their feet LUL
You know you're succeeding in life when you got seething haters like OP.
OP prob buys $40 trash shoes on sale. Poor seething fuck. lmfao.
>they're popular among nerds (guys interested in new things that are likely to be early adopters) that aren't attractive (less requirement/ability to maintain a good-looking and normal appearance)
yes obviously. it would be the same guys that got in on bitcoin, same guys that use an OS that isn't Microsoft or Apple etc.
if you think that makes the thing in itself bad you have a very female mindset.
>"succeeding in life"
>wearing literal joke "shoes" that are proven to do NOTHING
Don't post ever again.
What's wrong with em? I know a strong powerlifter with similar shoes
I bought some to force myself to run on my toes and my calves couldn't take it anymore after 3 laps and I did the last one heel striking anyway. It was like an 8 minute mile, I'm a bloatlord.
Calves apocalyptically sore for a week.