Mfw the gyms finally open up

>mfw the gyms finally open up

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Hello board tourist this has been posted here 10000 times

For the sake of your future children, I hope you aren't this gay

according to my city "outdoor gyms" open sep 9th
anyone know wtf an outdoor gym entails

Zig Forums is a collection of the same threads being reposted over and over for years with minor changes. you sound like a tourist yourself

this man offends me. Not in a seething and triggered sense, but in a deep guttural disgust sense. Posting him should be a ban-able offense. That he has the confidence to dance like that and broadcast it, I would say is the ultimate sign of the decline of the west. I just... I see this soft, delicate creature and I feel nausea. The wink, the smile, the tongue flair... how can we tolerate this?

Those park set ups with pull up bars and shit

My Uni gym opened up but you have to wear a mask while exercising and they close the gym for fifteen minutes every hour to clean. Also there's a limited amount of people allowed in at a time and they take your temperature at the door.

Does anyone else have to put up with stuff like this?

i will kill him

How does it affect you what another grown up man does for fun?
He doesn't seem like he is (or ever will be) in a position of power, so why does he matter?