Hey y'all.

I'm about to begin on an Ostarine cycle, inb4 just pin and all. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start pin in about a years time, that is going to be nice.

I'd like to know if suspending the Ostarine in water is the optimal way of ingesting it?
I've read a few people saying you should keep it under your tongue for sublingual absorption, but not sure if this is true. Couldn't find anything on PubMed to back this up.

Also, any time of the day thats better to ingest it than others?


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The reason people push the liquid sarns being best meme is because they're sellers working out of a bedroom or garage and don't have a sophisticated enough setup to press pills or cap powder. All sarms come from china as bulk powder.

I'm not in America btw, should probably have said this.

This I got is from a british laboratory, certificates and all (how ever valid they might be my friend tried the same, read a lot of reviews and it seems legit. Might be prohormos or cut with dbol but yea)

And I'm not sure why you're talking about liquid SARMs being the best?

>reddit spacing
You going to do ostarine only cycle?
also hope you know its supressive and have an AI/PCT just in case
good luck bro

>also hope you know its supressive and have an AI/PCT just in case
Everybody says the opposite what the fuck?

b-b-b-ut I've been on Zig Forums since 2005? :(
I know it is, I got Tamoxifen. You think I'll need other products as well?

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Yea, I'm reading people saying this as well. But then I read some guy saying that it can still be suppressive, you can still end up with higher concentrations of test in your body, which eventually will turn into estrogen even tho Ostarine on paper shouldn't do that.
I don't really know how it works.

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>also hope you know its supressive and have an AI/PCT just in case

IDK about Ostarine, but i'm currently on a LGD cycle and my balls are bigger and firmer on it lol

I've read more people experiencing suppression on LGD than on Ostarine desu.

anyone got a source for australia? only taken them in the UK