What's your excuse?

What's your excuse?

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What the fuck? Is he rich? Why is she wasting her life being with that thing?

He is rich in character, incel

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Can you imagine him shooting his steaming load of cum into her wet pussy while you cry and masturbate to tranny porn?

beceause she loves him? he is a human and stop degrading he has good facial structure and probably better personality than you.

the ultimate redpill
women only care about your personality bros, all your lifting was for nothing

what's OP's excuse for spamming this midget everytime jannies ban him?

There's 99.9% of chance she's cheating on him.

Something must be wrong with her

She must be mentally at least as retarded as he is physically

i have autism

He will probably be dead in a couple of years. Plus I'm sure he likes watching her get rammed by niggers

Its hentai and I am dead inside so I dont cry

I don't fucking know. I honestly do not fucking know anymore.

looks like he is really aging now

100% She has a crippled fetish

I don't have some cripple illness that give me an outside chance of bagging a gf who's desperate to signal how virtuous she is.
She'll be getting dicked down by some side guy on the regular.

>Zig Forumsizens have finally been forced to take the personalitypill

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does his cock even work or is she going to get bred by bbc

She is earning Youtube money from HIS disability.

Imagine something like that trying to guide his dick in like a fuckin juice box straw with his fumbly hands and pointy cockeyed elbows hahahahahahahahaha

For a fact she is cheating on him.

I forgot to mention that this disabled midget will very likely die before Boogie.
Dubs and it happens this year !

100% she’s getting dick on the side and he knows it, but he also knows that’s the best he could ever reasonably expect


why you hate this midget :(

Trips and they live


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nice try bud, but this abomination is going down

Shit like this makes me want to believe in reincarnation. Imagine if you only had one life, and you become disabled. I feel bad for him.

I tried my best, it's ogre for them now

The guy probably lives longer than an average Zig Forums poster because he has a loving wife increasing his lifespan.

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Cope incels
She loves him and his hot body

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I feel bad for him. No amount of love you get will compensate for being disabled. I hope he lives good next life

Why is this allowed?

That looked faker than porn

Anybody else see their sex tape?

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COPE etc etc

Rolling to get rid of this cretin


Strike one !

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she knows he is dying soon. he will leave her everything including the stupid youtube money they are making
ez life for another fucking roastie whore

she is fucking chads on the side and she is on birth control 100%. they will NEVER have kids
if she ever gets pregnant it's tyrone's kid

Lol incel brains ITT literally can't handle it