Been two weeks without caffeine

>been two weeks without caffeine
I used to drink a cup of coffee and two monsters a day. I feel so much fucking better now

You have taken the nocaf pill right?

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I quit it for a week, and slept like a child, woke up so incredibly refreshed and actually positive about the day. Went back to bean water because my productivity was dropping at work though, and I didn't want to get fired.

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go on and off every other week. Works great.

The real pill is 'coffee when I want it'. Some days I'll have it a couple days in a row, sometimes I won't have it for 3 or 4 days straight. A true king doesn't have to have it only one way or another

That's not a bad idea, I'll have to try it. I didn't realize I might have sleep problems until I stopped it and realized you're not meant to take an hour to fall asleep at night.

>youre not supposed to take an hour to fall asleep
delet this

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This. BASED.

Even better is finally falling asleep after 1hr or trying, getting 8hrs and waking up tired because you still had 100mg of caffeine in your bloodstream and it inhibits REM sleep. Good thing our society isn't built on caffeine or people might not be well-rested in general.

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Literally just got on this 4 days ago and had my first day without a splitting headache. Was amazing, I slept more deeply than I had in years and could even nap in the afternoon.

Some user here recommended Teecino as a tasty coffee replacement and that definitely helped.

Thanks old user, I'm passing on the rec.

Fellas im heavily addicted to caffeine. Just today I drank a cup of coffee before work, a scoop of preworkout at work, an iced coffee at work and another coffee when I got back. All coffee was black and I chugged them just for the stimulant effects.

when I dont drink caffeine I get headaches and feel like shit. how do I get off this ride?