Whole milk, eggs, bananas, ground beef.
Im a poorfag and have been eating pretty much just this for a year or so. Average day would look like: half gal of milk, 6 eggs, half pound ground beef, 3 or 4 bananas.
I feel fine but surely i must be fucking myself up right?
What am I missing with this diet?
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It's fine, some of the historically strongest and tallest people in the world lived almost exclusively on meat and milk. Covering all micronutrients are a retarded meme, you'll want some fish/omega3 for your brain though.
Take a mutlivitamin if affordable to be on the safe side.
Also add oats and lentils
Less milk. Add in rice, and pasta with your beef.
Will do, gonna get back into deenz
Based, a can a day you always may
Ive been taking a one a day multi but wasnt sure if it was a meme or not. Heard different things.
as long as you're eating red meat, you shouldn't take a multi. for example, synthetic vitamin B12 can actually interfere with natural B12.
I had no idea, right on.
The bioavailability is debatable, it's always best to get all the necessary nutrients from freshly farmed whole foods in your balanced diet. But since we poorfags can't afford a 100% free of chemicals farm for our private sustenance we have no other choice for the most part.
I'd rather have shitty selenium intake than none at all