Bros what routine should I do to dodge Israeli snipers?

Bros what routine should I do to dodge Israeli snipers?

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go back to pol

wtf is it with seemingly everyone on here is going on in israel? i don’t have a clue about jews, israel, the arpethite or whatever it’s called.

Stop being so islamophobic

The "Palestinians" have plenty of neighbouring islamic countries they can live in. I hate kikes but I agree on principle that they should have a homeland and they shouldn't be forced to share it with people who are ideologically bent on their eradication.

Back to leftypol you dumb communist fuck.

Zionist cuck. After establishing ZOG all over the western world, they cannot be trusted with a homeland. They're not even a real race, it's just a shitty religion. They don't need a homeland

I mean I dont understand the Zig Forumscel mindset
>Israel kills muslims and force them to leave their land
>Those same muslims escape from there and seek asylum in western countries
>"Uggh no sandniggers rapefugees islam bad"

I hate j*ws so fucking much bros

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It's like uhh, globalised nationalism there.
>Germany for Germans!
>America for Americans!
>Palestine for Palestinians!
>Oven for Jews!