I fucked up my life

So i just turned 30.
ive been lifting since it was 16yo. i was never able to achieve the body i wanted so i kept pushing myself to lift more and more. deadlifting was something normal for me(i would do 5x5 deads once or twice a week. but 2 months ago i was lifting and i felt something. my "hips" gave out and one of my nuts started to bother me.i didn't think much of it, but 2 days later i tried to pick a small box from the floor and i couldn't get up. my lower back and hips were in terrible pain, my left testicle hurt like somebody kept flicking my nuts. i was not able to walk for TWO weeks.
doctors checked me for hernias but didn't find anything. my thoracic vertebrae are "loose" but didn't want to do shit for it other than pt(yay American healthcare)
i probably put like 50lbs in those two months of inactivity.
its fucking depressing man, i cant lift a 30lb dumbbell anymore.

anybody else dealing with injuries?

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tl;dr. not your blog, faggot boy. fuck off.

Are you doing the PT that they prescribed?

>never able to achieve the body I wanted
>so I powerlifted focusing more on strength than aesthetics
well me, I was never able to go to the moon, so I started digging a hole in the earth and went as far down as I could, in the opposite direction...

You've been lifting for 14 years, and you lost the ability to lift a 30lb dumbbell in 2 months of inactivity?

He probably means he can't dl 30 because his back's fucked up

>5x5 deadlifts
You are straight up retarded sorry, do 2 warming up sets and 1 real set you idiot. Your form probably sucks too.
>pushing myself to lift more
You dont decide how much you lift, your body does

Damn that's deep.