Is this what it takes to impress normies?
Is this what it takes to impress normies?
Yes. Normies are super easy to impress just. Same with women. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just take the LIFTINGpill
Yes. Normies have fat soft estrogen bodies.
he looks so fragile
In my own personal experience normalfags care more about muscle definition that they care about muscle size
When I was strongfat (a lot bigger) almost no one complimented my looks, some people even called me fat, but when I dropped my bf% I started getting all kind of compliments and nice words even though I lost a lot of strength and some muscle mass
I don't know, it's not very impressive
He just has a very low body fat and a bit of muscle, that gives him definition
You can get this physique by doing cardio and a bit of bodyweight excercises, that's what it takes
do you think he lifted at all or literally just dieted loads while sitting on the couch all day? Yeah his arms are nonexistent but I refuse to believe you can get abs like that while being sedentary at low BF.
If you want aesthetic points drop the fat
Is it me or he has really good forearms?