What were your most brutal discoveries in regard to food through your fitness journey?
>think I'm enjoying some light chicken fajitas
>the tortillas alone are 700+ calories
What were your most brutal discoveries in regard to food through your fitness journey?
>brown rice is a meme for bulking. eat white rice instead.
That eating +60g of protein is more important than counting calories.
And that a lot of calorie dense food is loopsidedly weak in protein.
What the fuck kind of tortillas are you eating that 700 calories?
If you eat less calories than you burn you lose weight. Its the only thing important when you want to slim down. Dont do diets or cling to special super foods to lose weight because its not gonna work. You should always eat healty, not only when you wanna stop being a fat fuck bro.
>What were your most brutal discoveries in regard to food through your fitness journey?
Large oreo shakes have 1200 calories and I used to consider them a 'snack' if I was kinda hungry but dinner wasn't for a few hours.
If you cut out beer and any food you don’t make yourself it’s really really hard to be fat. Eggs, chicken, rice, veggies, milk, all this shit is hard to bulk on. You have to keep eating all the time and you’re well aware of eating a six egg omelette with shit mixed in cause you made it yourself.
Buying a pizza and having a soda with it you really don’t feel like you just had 1200 calories but you sure as fuck did
>Large oreo shakes
I mean, how the hell is that a discovery.
>golly gee this massive chocolate cookie drink sure is high in calories!
I learned OMAD doesn't mean automatic weight loss, I thought my one meal was under maintenance but in fact I was gaining weight faster than before.
Also food habits are very easy to develop, doing something once that I know is bad for me sends me into a spiral of continually doing it because I believe on one hand I've ruined my progress and there's no use trying, and on the other doing it one time didn't cause me to be unhealthy so it's not really that bad
Most normies would recognize an oreo shake is bad. Most wouldn't peg it at more than 2 Big Macs
I don’t know how the hell you can gain weight on one meal a day. Your stomach shrinks and even if you stuff yourself it’s pretty hard to put in 3k calories in one sitting. Like you can but it’s a struggle. Eating more then that every day? How the fuck does that work
it doesn't matter what you eat, it's all about calories in vs calories out
thank g-d i dont have to torture myself with chicken and rice every single day
Bread makes you fat. Left me devastated
Realising how bad bread is for calories
Every Monday I'd have Lasagna and Garlic Bread to cheer myself up, then I realised how many calories was in the bread so I ditched it
Yeah you gotta just cut bread out completely if you're cutting
same with tortillas, shit adds up so quickly
Nutella is mostly sugar. That was super disappointing.
I think the most brutal discovery is that anything that tastes good is automatically more than you should eat in one sitting basically.
The only option I have is to put on 10-20 lbs of muscle so I actually have an excuse to eat more.
Dry fucking chicken is the real mvp, boring, tasteless, oh youre hungry?? Not after eating 100cals of this food
anons, explain to user why bread is bad? i've been eating it my whole life. whats so bad about it?
How fatty beef is. If you're bulking sure it's good but best stick to skinless chicken breast/fish/LEAN pork loin if you're trying to cut and still get your protein.
that I should focus more on micro-nutrients, healthy omega-3 to omega-6 ratio (with no vegetable oils, only wholefood sources of fats) and higher fiber amount if I want to live a long healthy life, as well as have better cardiovascular fitness, instead of oversimplifying shit to like "GET 2x PROTEIN PER BODYWEIGHT BRO CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT". it's both annoying and intriguing theory-crafting meal plans. autistic shit like looking at manganese/iron ratio, not eating TOO much calcium, etc.
though I miss when I was a teenager in 2011 on Zig Forums and just shoved as much protein and calories as I could lol.
ew are you like 20? get out of here you old creep
Dairy is bad for you.
Estrogenic mycotoxins in certain foods.
>Large oreo shakes
>I mean, how the hell is that a discovery.
>>golly gee this massive chocolate cookie drink sure is high in calories!
You would assume it had as many calories as a cup full of chicken or beef.
But like 2 cokes have just about as many calories as half a fucking baked chicken. Its nuts
It's just dumb founding when you first figure out just how much calories are in sugar by weight and volume.
Another example, a sandwich, the fucking bread has more calories than anything else in it. You'd just about have to slather it in butter to out calorie the bread.
My workplace started selling bagels and one cinnamon raisin is over 300 calories
Its very calorie dense for hardly any nutritional value. A single slice of whole grain bread is almost ~80 calories depending on brand. Thats 160 calories from bread just for one sandwich. Now add your fillings on top of that.
You want to avoid processed carbs as much as possible. Absolutley no refined sugar either. Get your carbs naturally from vegetables and fruit.
yeah I'm 26...and 30 is closer than I'd like it to be.
Bulking is for retards. They get extremely fat, thinking they are building muscle when it's mostly fat, and water. Then when they cut down it is only ~ 5 pounds of actual muscle gain. Just gain weight slowly. If you start to lose abs you can cut down quickly. You gain moderately, and look good all year.
I eat this for lunch every single day, am I not gonna make it?
good source of healthy MUFA fats. also I hope that's wholegrain bread without much (or any) sugar.
Fajitas are God's gift. As a matter of fact, I just had them. I don't eat the tortillas because they alone run 200 calories. I can get beef, chicken or shrimp and run below 700 calories. I also have black beans as my side.
most brutal shit was finding out that it's uncomfortable to eat my maintenance, my appetite has always been small and I don't feel hunger unless I go days without eating.
A whole week's of meticulous clean-eating progress will be gone and not counted if you fuck up on the weekend and binge.
I've basically been in this loop for months now where it's extremely hard to resist the temptation of not eating a pizza or snacking on saturday, especially after a whole week of eggs and ground beef
If you're bulking, yes.