Decide to start lifting each morning a few months ago

>decide to start lifting each morning a few months ago
>find a single 10 pounder in my backyard
>fuck it, money is tight
>been lifting most weekday mornings since
>notice the weight feels lighter than it used to
Wtf? Is it because it's such a deteriorated metal weight? Is it just wearing away? Is this why most small weights are covered in rubber, to stop the metal from fading?

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you're trolling right?
>lift 10lb for months
>it feels lighter
hurr durr must be the weight itself

You got stronger, brainlet

Are you retarded? Not trying to be mean

try out myo reps

Fuck you found an old radium weight from the 40's
Yes it's slowly radioactively decaying via alpha and beta decay slowly to lead 232.
Immediately go to the hospital and tell them you need treatment for radiation exposer, although you are 100% going to die if you've had serious exposer, there's simply nothing they can do.
Sorry user

clearly this or nervegas

this has gotta be a fucking joke

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>the state of Zig Forums in 2020

This but don't go to the hospital, keep going you will become a superhuman.