Boogie is actually looking way better nowadays. When will Zig Forums finally admit they were wrong about boogie?

Boogie is actually looking way better nowadays. When will Zig Forums finally admit they were wrong about boogie?

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ill admit nothing until the fat bastard looks human again

check em

So many digits check'd, yet he is still alive. How?

Dubs and he dies before Christmas.

Imagine how much coal comes out of boogie’s stocking from all the food he eats

dubs and boogie dies and all his weight spreads evenly on the entirety of Zig Forums in muscle mass


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>Gets a surgery to not be a fat fuck
>Is still morbidly obese

Boogie is pathetic

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He looks human compared to the fat fuck on the left

Die boogie

Still looking like a fat piece of shit neckbeard. Please report when he joins humanity and leaves PIG behind.

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A human corpse.

He could be the next Arnold but that doesn't stop how much of a monumental retard he is...

my trips predict his death

Dubs and boogie dead before 2021


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He knew we were right.

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Steven, fuck off. Go laugh at your ex dying of cancer or hid your dick with a hammer while wearing a horse mask. Maggot motherfucker.

Fucking BASED

If singles boogie will live until he’s 90

When he proves us wrong

He lost like 250 pounds tho

dubs and 2020 is over

>he actually thinks that story is a real story and not just made up

ok this is not boogie on the left is it?
does it have a brother or a friend that looks like him?