You would just turn this guy into another Elliot. You are all culpable when he kills a mixed race couple
And by that I mean white/Asian not the fucked up white/black kind
You would just turn this guy into another Elliot. You are all culpable when he kills a mixed race couple
And by that I mean white/Asian not the fucked up white/black kind
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No one cares, fag.
Shut the FUCK up and lift
I’m so tired of Asians complaining about racism. Don’t like it? Leave.
It’s not like niggers who were forced to come here and have no connections to Africa. Asians constantly complain about not being represented in the media despite making up less than 4% of the population. They constantly complain about getting stared at or white boomers saying “konichiwa” to them.
More than half of them probably qualify for citizenship or permanent residency in their parents countries. And it’s not even like those countries are terrible. I’ve been to China, Malaysia and South Korea, none of those countries are war torn, and some/most places there look better than America.
Fucking hell.
They don't want to be around Asians. People like this comic artist literally feel entitled to white women and also believe that Asian women should under no circumstances ever be with a non Asian. Anything less is racism.
>Don’t like it? Leave.
This. So many of the problems and "injustices" in the world have a real simple solution and this is what it boils down to.
Ricels and lookism posters are right though. Asian men have the least SMV out of any race. It's just an extension of the incel community and they're right at least in regards to their observations
Don't like it? Leave.
Reminder that, at least in the US, most flavours of asian do better than """white""" on pretty much every index
Fine give all your white female family members to the next Asian bull you see.