So tranny jannies nuked the non-fit related uni thread so let’s have a fit related uni thread
Is your college gym open?
So tranny jannies nuked the non-fit related uni thread so let’s have a fit related uni thread
Is your college gym open?
Including the word "fit" in your post doesn't necessarily make it about physical fitness or health. It makes you low effort, low IQ cancer. Retard. Go back.
>Including the word "fit" in your post doesn't necessarily make it about physical fitness or health. It makes you low effort, low IQ cancer. Retard. Go back.
holy shit, calm down. its just Zig Forums and talking about uni gyms is fit related you dunce
Guarantee you were the dude saying college is a scam In that thread
>uni offers Zoom workouts instead of Opening
Wat do
Plymouth UK
W/e kid. Keep it on topic or I will fucking bitch you out in front of your whole graduating class.
>uni gym open
Ok this is good
>have to book a 1hr timeslot to go
Tolerable, my hometown gym does this. You just book again immediately after your current slot is finished
>only allowed one slot a day