Fit Uni College

So tranny jannies nuked the non-fit related uni thread so let’s have a fit related uni thread

Is your college gym open?

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Including the word "fit" in your post doesn't necessarily make it about physical fitness or health. It makes you low effort, low IQ cancer. Retard. Go back.

>Including the word "fit" in your post doesn't necessarily make it about physical fitness or health. It makes you low effort, low IQ cancer. Retard. Go back.

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holy shit, calm down. its just Zig Forums and talking about uni gyms is fit related you dunce

Guarantee you were the dude saying college is a scam In that thread

>uni offers Zoom workouts instead of Opening
Wat do

Plymouth UK

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W/e kid. Keep it on topic or I will fucking bitch you out in front of your whole graduating class.

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>uni gym open
Ok this is good
>have to book a 1hr timeslot to go
Tolerable, my hometown gym does this. You just book again immediately after your current slot is finished
>only allowed one slot a day

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