Nofap and gains

Does no fap have any significant effect on gains? I’m aware of the studies that get brought up all the time about test peaking on day 7 but Unless it’s gonna help with making gains then I’d rather just coom . Redpill me fellow Zig Forumsizens

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It’s a cope /thread


Personally I haven't seen any significant gains while being on nofap. At least for me it has other benefits though but don't expect to suddenly increase all your lifts just by not touching your dick

do some googling, you'll only get responses from coping coomers here

I´ve been dwelling in /X/ related stuff for a while (starting this year) and semen retention makes manifestation and LoA a reality, Some spooky stuff can happen.

That one (1) study claiming test boost from not jerking is flawed and hasnt been replicated. The nofap meme is just that, a meme. A meme for addicts and desperate people.

>these fast replies

(((Fap shills))) are raiding our basket weaving image board again XD

Nofap makes me more willing to cuss out 7/11 employees

stop asking and try it yourself. everyone has different experience

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