How impressive is this body?

How impressive is this body?

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Pretty close to a 9 in real life. You'll be more attractive than 90% of people walking down the street or when you're out and about. Just remember, abs are king.

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where can i buy those cope shoes ?

he's a 7 at best

He looks fucking weird. Dudes lips are too big or some shit.

Needs more legs but overall good.

By Zig Forums enlightened standards, sure. I'd say 7.5, needs more definition and maybe rhinoplasty if you want to get extreme. If you look like this in normie land though, you wouldn't have problems landing a hot gf or even a bangin' sugar mommy. You would look good enough to hang out with popular kids at school in NPC analogy.

a 9/10 is only more attractive than 9/10 people???

his entire face and skull is fucked beyond repair

His physique is actually pretty good, but he looks kinda tryhard in the second pic by rolling up his already short sleeves. I think it's much cooler when people can notice your gains without you even trying to show them off. Also, I think his forearms are lagging a bit, but it might just seem that way since the dude has big upper arms.

He's a big guy

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for you

Of course he looks good. Would mog 99% of people. But something about his physique looks soft to me. Idk how to explain it. He doesn’t look athletic at all.


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not his dick

the nike store

mogs you

lol that kid doesn’t understand the bell curve

It's his calves + legs in OPs image. Despite having a pretty well defined upper body, his legs have none of the same chiseled look to them

I can't tell if you guys really think that or your uncomfortable giving him a higher rate. I'd say he's a 10. God knows you jealous nerds would rate uglier girls all 10s.

He looks uncanny and artificial.

Probably mogs 80% of world class lifters. 99.999 of the population probably

What's the point of taking steroids and lifting heavy to look like this if you aren't competing in bodybuilding or modeling?

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Dude makes a living off this stuff. That's probably worth it to a lot of people.

is he that Swedish guy who roids? Oliver something?

Yea. Oliver Foreskin

Influencers and Instagram whores can make a decent amount of money. It’s the easy route, you roid, look better than normal people, but you still don’t have to work as hard as a professional bodybuilder.

too much mass for that clean baby face, at least for me. It just looks weird. Amazing body if natty, but still weird

Because he is a fucking curlbro lol, and a roider at that

body looks good, but his face is fucking horrendous, would look better as a black dude

>red monster
I was about to call this dude a faggot, but he is based now.

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