How many of my Euroniggas are doing LOMAD?

How many of my Euroniggas are doing LOMAD?

I've had wild gains since I started incorporating one of these bad boys into my diet daily.

Attached: soedmaelk.jpg (623x623, 43.18K)

A month ago in Denmark I was doing GOMAD with grassmaelk (4.1% fat!) was awesome but I had to stop it was destroying my teeth. I feel like drinking milk with low fat is a waste if you're trying to gain weight

>Small appetite niggas
I will never understand this.

>I feel like drinking milk with low fat is a waste if you're trying to gain weight
100% agreed.

I wish I could afford that natural milk shit, but it's like 50% more expensive than organic full fat milk. Makes for insane proton shakes, tho.

I'm already a big fuck with a solid diet. A whole gallon a day would make me bloat up.

I am an apprentice and gain some money, and live in my parent's house. So 90% of the money I spend goes to high quality food, I don't care about the price, feels good. Maybe if you cut down depenses on other product you could afford that high quality milk

>590 kalorier og 96 gram protein i et kilo
>kan æde en hel bøtte uden at føle sig mæt
>smager af dessert
Skyr er den sande herskerføde.

Attached: Kalorier_i_Arla_Cheasy_02_Fedt_Skyr_Vanilje.jpg (250x250, 44.74K)

Det er også fucking dyrt.

Lidl's low fat græske yoghurt er gyldent.

Hvor meget sukker er der i den der?

4g per 100g