How do you get out of skinnyfat mode?
How do you get out of skinnyfat mode?
Get muscle and or cut
The only real gains I had in my life were when I had a very bad relationship end, she cheated and lied and wrecked my life. I was so pissed I just bought a big ass 40lb weight and lifted it until I was exhausted like every day.
Dirty bulk bloatmax mode and take creatine . Cut at the end of the year slowly and then just maintain. I'm in the process of this, need to loose 20lbs of fat and my body will look the way I want it.
Work out hard.
revenge is the best motivator
OP, you literally need to eat more and lift more. Your question amounts to "how do you work out?"
A thread died so you could ask a forum about working out how to work out
Start making shakes with whey protein, peanut butter, bananas, and oats, and drink that after your workout. You can easily make a 600 calorie (healthy) shake that will make you bulk up fast
Second, increase your lifts by actually focusing on the muscles you're using, and switch up your routine. Volume is created by reps, strength is created by weight. So sometimes you should push yourself and do heavy weight, and sometimes you should push yourself and do tons of reps (12 - 15 or more, not an insane amount).
Best advice would be not cut, eat at matience or slight surplus while lifting for at least 1 year. Make sure you eat 120g+ protein a day. Don't worry about getting fat because skinnyfats can get leaner and bigger at the same time due to no muscle mass on your frame. Count calories and check the scales daily to make sure you are doing it right.
High rep, low weight. Workout for the pump.
Eat like you're trying to get fat (fast food, high calorie, fat, etc).
Laze around and rest like a motherfucker.
Do this for 5+ years and you'll get somewhere.
High rep low weight is literally skinny fat meme come from
still kinda skinny fat but from my experience, just do a lean bulk, don't cut and lift hard without too much cardio
i spent 4 months trying to cut until visible abs, at some point I've gotten to something like 1600 calories a day which was unbearable for me and in the end I looked almost the same, which made me gave up
now thanks to covid I tried to fix myself again but instead started with a bulk and 2 months later I'm way happier with myself
I am skinnyfat and have crohn's disease so I can barely eat anything and what I do eat just gets shitted out.
If I just lift big weights 24/7 do I still have a chance of being ottermode? or are you completely fucked without calorie surplus?
seconding these, currently escaping myself. slight surplus and train hard. even if I have gained a little bit of fat I look slimmer overall with added muscle.
>i spent 4 months trying to cut until visible abs, at some point I've gotten to something like 1600 calories a day which was unbearable for me and in the end I looked almost the same, which made me gave up
I did the same thing. The "cut till abs" thing going around is probably the biggest trap on this board
10-15% deficit with protein on a sliding scale depending on how much body fat you have and do heavy compound movements with the supporting exercises, for about 3 months and reassess where you should then just go to maintenance or do a bulk.
Don't be a bitch.
what bmi and body fat % is skinny fat?
Typically a BMI of 18.5 or lower while being 20+% Bodyfat
Take roids.
No, a skinnyfat is someone with no muscle mass but fat. He could have a BMI of >30 aswell, he'd still be skinnyfat if he's not strong.
No, that is just a fat person. A skinnyfat person is someone who is suffering from some degree of muscle atrophy. They are clinically underweight (skinny), but still have high amounts of bodyfat relative to their musclemass giving them a soft look. A person with a BMI of 30 is just fat.
That's the most uplifting post I have ever read, May IMC is 24 and my bf is 13%. I was sure that I was skinny fat before reading this
This worked wonders for me.
Unironically did GOMAD and bulked hard. Turned my 12 inch arms into 17s and then switched the milk out for protein shakes and cut ~40lbs and I finally look decent. I'm so glad I bulked first.
But what do I do if I want to have muscle on my frame AND be lower weight than I am right now? Cutting sure as shit hasn't helped. Been on ~1500cal 120-150g protein and 20:4 IF for a while but my weight just stalled. That being said, I can only do simple /C/ right now because gyms closed. Should be back open next week. I don't mind killing myself every day but I want to know a number for how much work I roughly need to put in every day to actually see progress. I can't fucking stand being stuck in one place.
>Can only bench 100kg
Here's a secret.
You might not be able to see the fat loss at some points but it's still going, it's usually just coming from around your organs or other places you're not noticing.
Keep going.
My gut has shrunk tbqh brother, so hopefully enteric fat will keep receding. Can't wait to get my orthotics and be able to go for a run or jump rope without knee pain. The gyms are reopening, bjj too. Lots of good shit to look forward to. Just trying to make it all fit into 24 hours, especially after basically not doing shit for 2 months. Used to do a 3 day split and 3 days kettlebells, then switched to bjj 5 days a week. I want to do it all because nothing changes otherwise.
The virgin high weight low rep
>specializes in myofibrillar hypertrophy, the kind that's barely noticeable in the mirror
>high chance of injury
>harsh on the joints at even remotely respectable weight
>excessive rest periods; time wasted in the gym
>low carryover to real-world physical labor
>promotes time-wasting dick-measuring contests with other dyel's on Zig Forums who drank the 5x5 kool-aid
The Chad high rep low weight
>specializes in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, the kind that gets you swole and allows for more myofibrillar hypertrophy in the future
>low chance of injury
>easy on the joints
>low to moderate rest periods; time spent efficiently in the gym
>high carryover to real-world physical labor
>get too many mires irl from being swole to care about estats on Zig Forums
>the OP is probably fat already
>"lmao eat more fat"
The fuck is wrong with you?
Get protein, lots of it - meat, dairy and yogurts (skyr rocks), whey.
Some healthy fats (butter, eggs ect.) forget about plant oils, they're a meme.
Some simple carbs only around the times of exercise(exhausting all carbs in the muscles ends in those muscles being broken down, so get some). Not much point eating any carbs at other times unless you're doing physical labor, then go for some complex carbs like buckwheat, beans or whatever. Wheat is a meme.
Lift hard, go sprinting about every other day (Depending on how you feel). One hard sprint to the exhaustion is good enough, don't buy into HIIT meme.
Would have posted an exercise-nutrition-muscle growth graph, but turns out I didn't save it in first place, so have a test-boosting pic instead.
Yeah I started off as a fatty but lost so much weight, I looked skinny fat because of cardio meme. So I did exactly what I stated and my whole upper body grew dramatically. Highly suggest it to anyone who has this problem.
I only have a pull up bar and an ab roller and all gyms are closed. What the fuck do i do?
Build a plan out of whatever /C/ you can come up with and keep an eye out for shmucks selling rusty and banged up weights
Do you need to cook the oats first or use a special kind of oat?