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Fitness #574
/plg/ - pressbloating general
Pec appreciation thread
Post your ideals
Give it to me straight
How does one recover quicker after lifts...
/fph/ Attention-Seeking Landwhale Edition
Which type of row promotes most lat growth/makes you wider?
Take the Islampill
Do women even like bodybuilders anymore? Feels like attraction to buff guys went extinct since 2015
How am i supposed to compete with them?
Chad names for your son to ensure he grows up Zig Forums?
I have one hour before dentist's appointment to fill 4 cavities
When did this board become infested with lookism incels?
/OWG/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Does honey contain added sugar? or is it the same as ingesting the sugar from fruit and such?
This is why I lift
Is this achievable natty?
Is it okay to cuddle with my cousin when she comes over to watch a movie about couple of times a week...
Doing triceps pulldowns
Why lift if it's all about the juice?
I've been lifting for 3 years, am 167lb 5ft10 could I get my abs to "pop" even more than this?
User we are alone in the bathroom, what you wanna do?
Are there any legitimate reasons why every man shouldn't start injecting testosterone once they hit 40...
Is it true that charm & personality can be trained just like muscles?
Tfw ever since i started lifting i got attracted to thick and borderline fat women
It is a known fact that over developed legs that rub together when you run are gross...
How does my bikini body look?
Girl i just met send me this? What kind of lift do i need to fuck her?
What is this body type called?
What am I missing user?
This is what all your hardwork is for
Republican men are statistically more likely to be weaker than liberal men
Is it wrong to catfish girls on Tinder?
What are some ways to become accountable to exercise? My doctor recommends it as I have low test...
What steroid cycle do you recommand for my physique to look like zyzz?
Energy Drinks
Rate this routine Zig Forums
Has a woman ever hit on you at the gym?
New to lifting and nutrition, but a great cook. I thought I could swap cooking tips in exchange for nutrition tips...
Aside from genetic freaks, is it ever possible for a girl to be very fit AND busty?
How to be attractive
Uncle user, you lift for women? lol
Corona progress thread
/nht/ - Nicotine Hate Thread
"Wow user you're so strong, do you work out?"
”user, your chest feels so hard and tight, do you workout??”
Ryan Hall "The Wizard"
/AFG/ Ausfag general
Fucked up hard, NEED ADVICE
Tfw I’m diagnosed with literal autism
How to replenish what i lost from jerking off
Any way to get flouride out of my water?
My coworker's brother just died in his sleep after a bike ride...
Thank you guys for teaching me how to introduce protein into my body without getting fat...
Post yours
Oh no Mr. user, your 2pl8 bench press is so intimid- *BANG* you're dead!
How does Zig Forums cook his chicken?
Work hard user! Keep improving!
Redpill me on booze Zig Forums...
How healthy are these really?
What bizarre vanity motivates the varbie?
Am I skinny-muscular?
Getting mogged by no CGI Thanos
So lets say that i only order meals with chicken
/CBT/ Bear mode edition
Are there any books that would make me feel more motivated with the lift? Non-meme serious recommendations only
Zig Forums Census 2020
Is it true that long-distance running is an anti-evolutionary trait that opposes short distance sprints...
Why is leg day so hard? Do girls have it easier?
How true is this?
What would you different if 19yr old again
Hardcore Preworkout
I fixed my diet, started lifting, getting sun, got short and long term goals...
What's the most Zig Forums country on Earth?
Who do you lift for, Zig Forums?
Whats the minimum deadlift to not be considered trans?
Why don't you do Yoga and a martial art along with yours lifting, user?
Read this quickly before faggot mods delete
Fix My Leaky Anus
Pushup Thread
I mog all of Zig Forums you stinking LARPers dont even lift
Does intense exercise/training age you faster?
Side profile thread
How big of a scam are these?
casts a spell of weakness on you
Barrel Chest
Big dick
Getting your girl to loose weight
Based retard
What country has the best cuisine for muscle growth?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Fit nurse/med fags thread
Why lift when pic related gets all the girls now?
How many wide grip pullups can you do Zig Forums? be honest
Suddenly starts to look fat
Am i builtfat mode yet?
/fast/ - You can do it! edition
My body
You're absolutely favorite exercise
GF Getting Fat
How do trans men have periods?
I lift for Ana de Armas gf
Tfw handsome
Deep Ideological Motivation Thread
Thanks for taking me to the lake uncle user! wow there's really nobody out here today *giggles* we could get up to...
You do have a 4ft11 19 year old powerlifting zoomer qt gf, right?
I spent 2 days talking with a twink on snapchat
Is it fine to enjoy chips and soda if I stay within my calorie limit for the day...
/fraud/ general
If the fatty would just cut, hed be the true heir
Best strength training regime for boxing?
Just have confidence bro
Zyzz insider here. Dumping some hidden zyzz gems for ya sick cunts
When should one get a lifting belt?
Just have confidence bro
So, how many Kiwi fruits have you eaten today user?
This doesn't work
American Obesity Rate Reaches 42%
/fat/ The Other Extreme Edition
FIT...How do you make your coffee????
At what point will you have "made it"?
What is this mode and how do I reach it?
Hi Zig Forums
/FPH/ - Fat >People Hate
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Is it High T to like thick girls?
How're you holding up, Zig Forums?
Keep or shave
Is it coomer or based to get Zig Forums so I can run through bitches like this weekly?
How do you approach hot girls in a normie gym? Pure Gym for UK or Planet Fitness USA
Can I get a six pack from doing just crunches? My knees are fucked unfortunately so I can't do the sticky
How much do I need to deadpress to get a cute white gf(male)?
One day a bubbling silly funny girl will rescue me me from my mediocre and lonely life just like manic pixie girls from...
Greg Doucette
U mirin' brah?
Zig Forums HumorThread
I lift so I can get pic related as a tattoo without looking like a total faggot
ꜱoy bad
Work out shoes
Can i cut eating 15 of this a day? Its fucking delicious, total would be 1500 kcal, 150 proteins...
Starting Strength vs Greyskull LP
Coworkers start discussing fitness
Lower back pain
Carnivore Diet
Does anybody else feel like they're too smart to lift?
Exiting the gym
Have to go to work meeting
Sexual Fitness and Health
If, theoretically, something like this were to happen to you, how would you recover?
Cutting is easy, but getting muscles is hard. Cutting and having muscles is even harder
Whats the point of getting fit if you don't train in at least one martial arts...
Body starts biologically dying at 26
When will he be back, brothers?
Zig Forums and Zig Forums get out
Would you ever date a fat girl?
How true is this?
Yoga as exercise general
How the fuck?
What is your hobbies user ?
Is this true?
Train for 2 years
Camping filters the aesthetic lifters
How would you solve the obesity crisis in America?
*makes ur nation obese*
Does doing pic related increase your test?
/C/:calisthenics general
/afg/ ausfag general
Lads. Never, EVER, try recipes recommended on this board. This was a disaster
Zig Forums dating sim scene 2
What's Zig Forums thought on OHP machines
Post your brofessors aka the person that got you into lifting
Wtf i been doing them wrong for 24 years???
/SIG/ Self Improvement General - It's Time to Save this Board
Ridiculous bodies
They keep saying 36 inches is small for a chest circumference yet I am always "puffing out" anything I wear
Gym had to clsoe due to corona spike
Side Profile Thread
Faces of Zig Forums
Lifting is great and all but are you 100% shure you go to heaven if you die?
Can i appeal to young goth girls when i lift...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Gfs boyfriend posts this on social media
Esoteric Power General
Go outside
Redpill me on these
Which country is the most fit and chad?
Smoked and took so much weed and lsd in college that the endorphin from a toigh exercise gives me a mini psychedelic...
I hate this type of creatures
Unironically, might off myself
He doesn't lift to one day kill a pedophile in a self-defense situation
/mag/ - martial arts general
How do i get more energy and feel more "alive" ?
Former Weaklings
Both of Arnold's sons
Which workouts to do for Israel's destruction?
First time I've ever had to make one, you're slacking Zig Forums
Will i get aids if i eat this?
"Lifting Cures Depression"
Why did clint work out he had HEIGHT FACE FRAME
Have binge eaten 10k calories a day for 3 days
Mires Thread
Does your gf/wife mire your gains??
Wow user, do you really go to the gym 5 times a week? That's so impressive...
I hate doing OHP
Why can manlets build muscles much quicker?
Why are there so many w*men on Zig Forums all of a sudden? Fuck off back to Instagram skanks
So im almost 24 and a virgin, i've had girlfriends and hook ups before but nothing that led to sex...
Post you're last rep face
Brutal mogs
User, do you wear minimal shoes?
Why is being a woman so easy? As long as you aren't fat and you have a decent ass, you have a "nice body"...
Natty lifting is a joke. Pic related is 5'11", 15 years+ lifting
Redpill brainstorming
What is with the trend of girls getting fake asses?
Sexual Fitness Thread
Oh noo could you imagine haha
Running is for real CHADS
Is coffee good for you?
Hey user i see that you work out, but you didint have to do this. All you had to do was just to approach me or say "hi"...
Was Yates roiding at this stage or is this just top 0.01% of genetics at play?
It's almost that time of year, Zig Forums - What are you going as for Halloween...
Symmetric Strength thread
Did anyone here actually start lifting for girls? If so how did this end up for you?
Take the vape pill lads
What do small girls eat? Never see them eat much at least not the 2,000 calories normal people eat
How do I reach this level?
How many of you have taken the whey and water pill?
Between 16 and 25, it's all about the physique
Asians at the Gym
One chance at life
Do people actually fall for his shill...
Eat 7 eggs every day for 3 years
The squatters fear the long pants
Post your kryptonite
Your ring finger is bigger than your index finger r-right Zig Forums?
Reminder not to tan and to wear sunscreen if you leave the house during the day
Rate my progress
This is why I lift
What are the best exercises for glutes?
Be me
Uh oh Veganbros we got too cocky!
/fast/ - Stop Eating Editiom
Enter the gym
Progress Thread
Things to avoid for T production
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
In anime, characters often transcend time and space by never giving up. Is there a way to do this in real life...
What's the the point of steroids if it's gonna age you?
Post ideal bodies
Natty in pic related
This is a question to all the ladies of this board:
Getting ghosted
How big is your dick, Zig Forums?
So you go to the gym 3 times a week? And what do you do there? You pick things up and put them down again, huh. Okay...
If steroids are illegal how are bodybuilders able to get such an easy hold of them? Where could I find some...
Balding is a death sentence
Do I even fucking lift
Move to germany
Wake up at 3 am
Blond hair
Day 51 of nofap
Which one Zig Forums?
How much lifting do I have to do in order to fuck her?
Is mcdonald food really that unhealthy?
Is 531 a meme?
How do you manage to add boxing to lifting?
ITT; women mirin
Stop working out!
Zig Forums humor / humour
If you kept yourself Zig Forums then 30 yo is literally the new 20 yo
Testosterone is illegal!
What's the best order?
Life ends officially at 28
How to get rid off almond stones
You robots are pathetic
How tall are you Zig Forums?
Look in mirror
Hey user!
Ausfag General /AFG/
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Cried myself to sleep for the 5th time in a row
Im crying guys. my life really sucks and i hate myself
So I understand that steroids make you look bigger and leaner than naturally possible because of storing water...
Walk into gym
Red pill me on snus Zig Forums
Push up thread. The last two digits are your reps
We are one race
How do I get my gf to lose 50lbs when simps on facebook/instagram compliment her anyway?
Boomers in the gym
Am I still skinnyfat or have I escaped?
Is there a way to get the OPPOSITE effect of a banded exercise? As in, heavier at the bottom, lighter at the top?
SARMS and their effect on the body
Zig Forums Thread:
The WHO admitted to the BBC that its June 2020 mask policy update was due not to new evidence but “political...
Back from boxing
When you realize you're gonna have to stop getting drunk to get lean
Developed asthma after living in a new state after 5 years, took an allergy test about three months ago...
Why do you faggots always give such fucking terrible advice?
ITT: Exercises that literally only you do
What would Zig Forums eat for their last meal? You're not still cutting for summer are you?
My very first mire. Feels good man
Alright which side is her belly and which is her back
What's Zig Forumss opinion on planet fitness and their anti "lunk" and "gymtimidation" rules?
Why don't they have men-only gyms?
The average white Zig Forums poster
Boiled eggs protons
Post wristlets to make me feel better about mine
Zig Forums icon
Is tanning a sure fire way to improve your aesthetics if you're pasty white?
That guy who bench presses and empty bar
Self Improvement Thread (Starting New Years early)
So is it humanly possible to do this shit with more than 6-8kg or what?
Tfw too anxious to workout
Fraud where thebfucj is the text edition
Semen Retention
Why is it always a limp wristed DYEL wearing a mask in the gym...
What's the lowest bodyfat a natty should cut to?
I don't get it
Rippetoe debating Zig Forums right now lmao
This all you need to impress women
Post goal gfs
Reminder that cycling is the ultimate CHAD sport
Youth Aesthetics
Goal bodies
Lifts for tomboy gf
To all femanons, what should we focus on when training? Which body parts are u mirin more often?
Is running better than cycling or swimming? If so, why?
How much meat does Zig Forums eat?
Has anyone gotten Zig Forums from only going to a HIIT type gym (like orange theory)?
You claim that Lifting weights it's the magic solution for all the male problems
Is it okay for a man to cry?
Pick up smoking because Zig Forums told me it would make my awkward voice deeper
Fuck natty lifting
Can we have a Zig Forums approved tattoo thread?
Be honest, you would trade all your gains for a face like this
Suppose you started lifting when you were 20, how easy is it to maintain your looks if you stay consistent with the gym?
How do I do farmers walks?
Holy shit I just realized im ugly
I mog all of Zig Forums yall weak ass larpers dont even lift
Gather around Christians for we shall lift for Christ and Virgin Mary, the blessed and immaculate one
/plg/ Powerlifting General
PSA: being tall sucks
How do I get my boyfriend to start lifting?
I've got my gym membership and I'm eating properly
How do I achieve the physique on the left rather than the physique on the right?
If you have a weird profession to be lifting but still lift post itt
Is there any better breakfast than this for cutting?
Why do black people feel the need to hoot, holler, and congratulate me when I'm benching 3 plate or deadlifting 5?
LDL deniers are the new flat-earthers
/fast/ - This is what you look like when you don’t read the thread edition
What do you lift for fit? for me its gorgeous goth teenage girls and the dream in my head to turn back time
How do I destroy my eyesight ?
From a 2/10 chubby honker that gives you microsoft advice intoa 8/10 reincarnation of visha the destroyer
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
How do you prepare you chicken, Zig Forums?
Have sex
What does peak female performance look like to you Zig Forums?
Am a guy and would like a physique like pic related...
Tfw herniated disc with pinched nerve at 24 years old
5/3/1 Forever
Why do squatcels advocate excessive squatting even though the greatest bodybuilders despised the huge legs look?
Any of this supplement shit work? Or do you get from lifting regarless?
Heard you were talking shit about bongland
I have the incel phenotype
Does nofap help with premature ejaculation? if not, what does?
Why are women so friggin' unhealthy?
Why won't ketards listen?
He doesn't eat at least one raw garlic clove a day
You guys are sick
Can I undo years of starvation and bulimia?
Anyone take the Saturated Fat pill?
What the fuck is wrong with you Zig Forums
I just ate 4 mcdoubles
We’re all going to make it, gentlemen
Doctore Said you have shizophrenia, therefore it’s real
Without being a cunt or trolling
A Finnish team published a paper in 1976 that looked at hGH levels in 55 healthy individuals before and after a sauna...
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Weigh 86.2kg
Who here /gymbully/?
Whats your cutting diet. six pack time boys. *challege* whole foods only (brown rice, beans, veggies etc)...
Ausfag General /AFG/
Why women in their most attractive phase prefer left now day?
Daily reminder that lifting makes you racist
How the FUCK do I get triceps like these?
Okay but how do i actually get a nice ass like pic related...
How to escape this mode
Is this the ultimate male physique?
What is the best kung fu style for fighting? Or are all kung fu a meme and useless in an actual fight?
Starves for 40 days
/fitness philosophy general/
CBT - Broga Edition
Zig Forums humor thread
Had to ask a girl dressed like this to leave the gym
Progress thread. post before and where you are now
How hard is it to get to and stay at 10% bodyfat? Lets say im currrently 13-15%...
If the face is the only feature that matters on a male, what is the only feature that matters on a female?
Fph - Transfat edition
What did you lift for today, user...
It's a "young person you know gets cancer" episode
The Eternal Question
Sad stories thread
Is it humanly possible to burn 10 000 calories in one day?
Would you recommend LSD? Why?
/Med/ pill
Femanon here, are there any good yt channels for weight lifting? I'm always concerned most of them are a fraud...
Official Pony Thread
Why do I hate fat women more than fat men?
Transphobia aside, should trans people compete in cis-gendered weightlifting competitions? If not, transphobia aside...
Would you date a girl bigger than you?
Q&A guys
What to do
The sticcboi cowers at the sight of it
What's the point of OHP?
How do I get an ass like that as a guy? No homo btw
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Does your gf mire and appreciate the gains you make??
This is Joseph Schwarzenegger Baena, the perfect mutt
How the fuck are you supposed to get enough protein...
What clothes should I wear to look more Zig Forums?
If Elliot lifted and became Zig Forums would he have scored with women?
Impressive Natural Physiques
Pushup thread, roll
Neck training
Is your homegym a safe environment?
How do I achieve this naturally? Is it even possible?
Uncle user... why are you in my room?
Video game music?
So how do you like your morning coffee, Zig Forums?
How do I get femboy hooters mode?
Anyone here just goes out at night and fights people?
/cyc/ - Cycling General
/mag/ - martial arts general
What's his routine and why doesn't he train abs?
How to become more intimidating?
What kind of music do guys who look like this listen to?
Girl i just met send me this?
Reminder that health and women are the only two valid reasons to lift. Anything else is for autistic manchildren
If your genetics are shit, you can:
Fuck, i am literally holding my hard dick in my hand and preparing to masturbate, talk me out of it...
Why tf do women prefer left
I want a Zig Forums bf
Sex health general
Insane bulking food
Happy birthday user! Here's your cake!
That doesn't make sense uncle user if it's so wrong then why does it feel so good...
Why do I see so many guys who look like this? Are they low t, dyels, eat shit food or what? What is wrong with them
Strong lower back pain after squats. Guys I think i fucked my shit up...
Cutting for 2 weeks on 2300 cals
Motivation thread
Is porn-induced erectile dysfunction real?
So any of you actually enjoy lifting or is it all for a certain motive?
Whats my bodyfat?
How to get good at sex?
Anyone try RAD 140? what was your experience? Good or bad?
/routine general/
Fit women
What is the Zig Forums choice?
8 Months, What did he took?
Fighting a silverback
Alright Zig Forums, how?
/fast/ - You read the thread right? - edition
How many pullups can you do?
How do you get rid of these cunts once and for all?
Health benefits of piss tub?
So user, why aren't you jelqing again?
Ok, this question has probably been asked a million times on here...
That 53 year old boomer who fucks you til you love him, faggot
Man, I have over 500 matches on Tinder and a bunch of others on HotOrNot, a ton of fat girls text me first everyday...
How does one unlock protester mode?
Finally start lifting seriously instead of fucking around
Lifting Times
Everybody knows white "men" do a very bad job at being "men", hence...
How do I overcome depression?
Bros what's even the point of lifting if you don't look like this?
/afg/ ausfag general
Anyone here /531/? Tips? Advice? Experiences?
The absolute best bulking meal
Sexual health improvement
Sleeping on the floor
Monday not being your chest day
Do you know anyone who actually got more female attention or even a gf after getting fit? asking for a friend
Dad didn't instill good dental hygiene in me when I was a kid, so I spent 15 years with little or no brushing
Okay real talk, how many of you are Zig Forumsacks?
Help me
Is this the healthiest food in the known universe?
I can't activate my lats to save my life. Please help
215k women thirsting over an average patchy beard DYEL
How do I stop being a creep?
Clean your damn room. What...
40 Days water fast coming to an end
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Anyone else on the west coast feel like shit when working out?
Reminder that swimming is the ultimate CHAD sport. If you disagree you're just a swimlet
How do I stop moonching? I am supposed to be cutting but I ate all my maintenance calories in first hour of the day
Zig Forums Summer Training Camp
Why do redditors celebrate unhealthiness?
Howdy frens. No more negativity, this is a self improvement positivity thread...
Zig Forums BTFO!
/fat/ Fine I'll Do It edition
How attractive/well-dressed/above her level do you have to be to pull-off the silent...
/run/ - running general
Who was the most Zig Forums member of the Akatsuki?
This is perfectly fine, incel
Does your gf mire your gains??
"You see Mike we're not so different you and I, we're both murderers but on different stages."
Have you ever encountered racism at the gym before? If so, how have you dealt with it?
Have you donated jizz yet?
What are some Zig Forums milkshake recipes
Is 30 to late to get big?
Please PLEASE help me to stop being a disgusting creatura
FPH- Science edition
Peter parker mode
Possible to breathe in gym with mask?
/yogageneral/ - yes, it builds strength edition
/GERD/ Acid reflux general
So Zig Forums, what is the best intermediate programme, and why is it 5/3/1
Replacing meals with protein bars in an attempt to slim down
So since we know that nofap results in higher energy levels, and an increase in muscle mass, why do you still fap...
What went so wrong?
What archetypes do you have at your gym? At mine we have a bloatlord that causes bloatquakes when he deadlifts
Gym closed due to fires
Share pictures that inspire you to lift
This is how easy it was to be a Chad in the 1940's
How Zig Forums is the average man in your country?
Can you mog PewDiePie?
30+ Zig Forums
The only thing holding you back from having this this winter is being fat
Will Starting Strength get me into Henry Cavill mode? Also fuck twinks
Rate me pls honestly. Finally tried to smile in pic
Is natural lifting worth it?
Want to lose weight
How does he hit what seem like daily PR's while staying natty?
Height redpill
How much protein per lb for 6ft 220lbs man?
Cow Whole
Why do bodybuilders always drink diet soda when they're already stuffing their faces with loads of sugar already with...
How the fuck do you guys get your magnesium from...
35 year old man
So my local rock climbing gym reopened and I want to go bouldering but do you think its a bad idea because of...
Boogie posted this on twitter
PR day
How to make dick gains brehs?
Coworkers start talking about fitness
Is this true?
Kyriakos Grizzly general
Britfag National Health Service
Zig Forums greentext thread
5'10" 230 lbs
Dont let your bitch stop you from making gains
Is there any point getting fit if you’re a manlet?
/back thread/
What is the evolutionary reason for pic related being attractive when it was literally impossible to attain prior to...
He only does cardio 3 times a week
Post what you imagine the average Zig Forums poster looks like
Do you guys have an opinion on water?
Failure stories
1 Year Natural Transformation - John Christensen
Post your restday face
Is it okay to only consume protein shakes? What other things do I need in my diet?
Less fat
Carnivore thread
What's the most autistic thing you have seen posted on fit?
Zig Forums milestones
Strong grip = strong body?
Meanwhile in the Zig Forums mansion
How many kg / lbs of muscle have you put on since you started working out?
Poked in the shower
Any alcoholic lifters here? Does drinking noticeably impact your gains and performance...
How do I achieve the physique on the left rather than the right?
What’s your OHP 1 rep max?
Is being able to curl 14kg dumbbells (in each) hand for 3x 8 reps good for a beginner...
This is why I lift
How do i fix this shit
Deseases and/or syndromes
Without mocking me or gay trolls, does this look abnormal?
How do you get out of skinnyfat mode?
Zig Forums vent thread
Zig Forums humor
Why is her nose always so red? is she a coke addict?
Screenshot your galery and post it now /fit
Fellas im curious, anyone here ever experience a panic attack
Ausfag general /afg/
Threw up from bulking possibly?
Tfw earbuds broke
Should I roid? i've been lifting for 4 years now and i still kinda look dyel
Bros, I'm on day 7 of nofap, and day 13 of noporn. My erections literally feel like I could fuck a solid iron wall...
What’s kino
Bodyfat is everything
Would you ever date a woman with insecurity issues?
Elliott Hulse
Can you make it with just calisthenics alone?
ITT Zig Forums census
ITT: Give advice to a future home gym owner
Just one chance at life
Do you do any unconventional lifts at the gym? What do you do?
This is the entire difference between 6'0 and 5'9. You are all mentally ill
How to achieve engineer mode?
Routines to get a military body
Zig Forums careers
Zig Forums feels bar
Brutal mogs
Is /fit masculinity toxic?
Thoughts on Jocko and his supps?
How do I stop being sad about these fucking hoes
Tfw hospitalized
Do fat "people" really?
Would you rather:
No mire thread? Mire thread
Back in the gym after seven months (Bay Area, California)
“Hey, man. I just wanted to let you know your grunting was bothering my wife...
Hey all - do y'all meal prep? post meals and stuff, talk about healthy eating habits...
I'm back once again
Trap Physic How??
Permanently ruined my face?
Reminder that a strong core is the most important thing. Corelets are weaklings
Flirting with girl with a huuuuuuuge ass at the gym
I might be a mutt but atleast I have a jaw
Sit curls with 90 kg
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What the fuck do you guys eat when bulking...
This list is correct. make your own here:
How old were you when you started lifting? Do you wish you'd started earlier?
/fph/ - Fat People Hate general
Based department?
How many kg / lbs of muscle have you put on since you started working out?
B-b-b-b-b-but at l-l-l-l-east I am a-a-a-aesthetic
No gymbro has all five
Alright, I've made it. I'm 25, I got my goal physique, great job, super sweet 8/10 gf. Now the question...
As a girl, how can I achieve what Monica Granda has achieved?
Reddit is something else
Why is the media trying so hard to promote laziness and gluttony? What's their endgame?
How much does alcohol kill gains Zig Forums?
Do people actually add 10lb per week to their lifts?
Tfw depression is the best weight loss program
Can physical looks make up for inexperience with women?
Stop cooming
Current body thread /cbt/
How would you correct this physique? What routine? Why does he look like that?
Zig Forums, how do I fix this? I do HIIT about 20-60min 5 days a week, with at least 29 min cardio four times a week...
Testosterone is illegal
B-but atleast I have abs
This is what a real “mire” face looks like
My Gym In NYC Might Close Down
What muscles should I train for girls...
What weight do I have to push to ohp to easily violate a twink
Is there anything wrong with eating like this if you also take a couple multivitamins and drink water...
Decide to get hair cut
About to lose my dark energy virginity...
Amazing how this 1 post shattered your entire worldview and lifestyle
Why does fitness, and lifting in particular tend to make people politically more right leaning?
Are deadlifts necessary to get big? Are they 'the best' for full body muscle growth?
Girlfriend wants a peloton. worth the insane price?
Most FUN lifts. Go
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
Tom Soyden
/fast/ - Please read the thread before posting edition
Name a more based exercise than the plank. Pro tip, you can't
Am I too fat for this outfit?
Why is the fitness community with eating disgusting foods? Chicken, oats (litteraly food for swines) sweet potatoes...
Bad eyesight
Just do it, user
Ive been stuck at 4 pullup max for a month. I do the full no cheat pull from bottom to top. But seem flatlined...
Would this be considerd fat in your country?
Is Zig Forums religious?
I'm a broke af student
What do you guys do in between sets...
Women don't want muscles. They want a provider
Does anybody here actually eat their 5-a-day?
Breakfast 200 cal
Giving up alcohol
What mode is this and how do I unlock it?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine