What is your hobbies user ?
But Fitness is under other on Zig Forums not hobbies
Defend yourself
What is your hobbies user ?
But Fitness is under other on Zig Forums not hobbies
Defend yourself
I am gay
I am retarded
I follow a fuckton of manga, and watch seasonal anime.
I collect melee weaponry.
I'm in the process of becoming /hasguns/ so I can go shoot a few times a month.
And I practice karate, but that's fitness in a way.
I do martial arts, bike and swim, photogrammetry, psychedelic-assisted therapy, and some other minor things.
People I meet do think I'm atypical, but not boring.
>i watch anime, have katanas, and do karate
betting on 50 dollars; that guy have a fedora
Play the guitar, sing, read books, go on hikes. I do think i need to pick up something more social.
It's still a world above "wotch netfleex xD". I also like cooking, writing, reading, ratkeeping and psychology + philosophy.
A fedora? Try a fucking kasa.
>I do think i need to pick up something more social.
Do what I do, I still don't have "friends", but I do martial arts several times a week and am in friendly terms with everyone and do small talk during training, it's the perfect amount for me.
I've been thinking about picking up kick boxing again, but the last time I did it, it ended up phasing away my lifting completely.
Playing music (not really good at it)
Before 'Rona, going to gaming events/tourneys.
I like going to different places to do running. Mostly to have an excuse to "sightsee"
Based and "plant an orchard and buy katana"-pilled
Fly fishing and preparing for the coming race war/collapse.
>preparing for the coming race war/collapse
i am trans btw
If trannies didn't behave as if being a tranny was both a replacement for a personality and a hobby, they wouldn't be to insufferable.
I hike while listening to audiobooks and podcasts. On my rest days I play videogames, read books and paint warhammer models. I play tabletop with friends once a month.
soundcloud rapper
I like bass fishing
Thinking about buying a fly rod for the steelhead run this fall
Jackin off and playing videogames, same as everyone else.
>Motorcycle riding
>Board Gaming
>Meditation and mindfulness practice
>Curling (Canadian sport kind, not squat rack kind)
>Not entertaining floozies of any sex or gender who depend on substances to "relax" or "have fun"
>Being a tinder slut/bumble slut/OKCupid slut/PlentyOfFish slut/"delicious side piece" to married women
/an/ and Zig Forums
>noting being a 240lb 6'1 unironic hikkimori swole shrimp breader
Hi shrimpbro
8wt my dude.
Mi kasa tu kasa, user
Do you milk them?
this guy fucks