/run/ - running general

Resistance parachute edition

Previous thread: ----------------------------------------------------

Couch to 5k:

Weeb edition:

>Jack Daniels running formula

Read the fellrnr page on stretching, there are differing opinions on stretching in general.

Run for 1km to 3km and use 'lunge matrix' and leg swings as base and modify for personal needs. Dynamic, ballistic and static is all possible. You don't want to overdo it though.

At least an hour after the run, do static stretches. Depends on personal needs. Also, replenish your electrolytes.

Attached: resistance_parachute.jpg (630x430, 33.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can I run if I'm fat?
Yes, but it depends on height/weight/age/experience/prior injuries.

>Where do I start?
c25k (couch to 5 kilometers)

>What then?
Depends on your goals.

>I don't have any running goals, I just want to stay reasonably fit, what do?
Do cardio at least twice a week for 30-60min. No need for speedwork then.

>Will I lose all my gains?

>Will I lose weight?
Maybe, depends on CICO.

>Can I do cardio on rest days?
Yes, stick to easy runs.

>Does running kill my [bodypart]?
No. Feel free to ask for the pasta with the studies.

>Why does my [bodypart] hurt?
Check your form, equipment, schedule. You might be old, overweight or a noob. Ask again, give more information.

>How do I improve my time over distance [distance]?
Probably more weekly miles. Maybe speedwork. You'd best stick to a plan. Either read Jack Daniels (highly recommended) or google for 'sub [time] [distance]', chose one of the plans and ask if it's any good. If it contains 4-7 days of running, 1-2 speedwork and 1 longrun it's probably alright.

>What shoes should I buy?
Depends on your terrain, weekly milage, weight etc.. In general all brands produce quality products. Read:

>What other equipment should I buy?
The most important data to control your training is probably heart rate and then pace. You best get a cheap garmin forerunner (or equivalent), so you can watch both during your run. A HR strap for your phone can do the trick, if you are short on money.

>Should I lift?
Yes, you want a strong core and legs. Diddies, Squats, Lunges, Trap Bar Diddies and core work. Depends on goals, schedule etc.

>What else should I know?
You are probably running too fast.

>What else should I do?
Partake in local 5k's,10k's and half marathons. They are fun, even if you are slow.

>muh knees
>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.

>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities

>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration

>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.

>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.

>Increased training miles per week appears protective against knee injuries.


Some of their evidence seems contradictory. Literally two lines before they say "▪ Increased training miles per week appears protective against knee injuries." they say "▪ Higher running miles per week in male runners is a risk factor.".

So which is it? Run more miles to protect knee at a higher risk of injury or run less miles at lower risk of injury and risk knee?

Do any of you guys use like a fanny pack while running? I'm thinking about getting link below because I can't run phone in hand. spibelt.com/shop/spibelt/spibelt-flex/

i got a no-name brand flipbelt for like $10, one of the best things i have bought for running.

Attached: 45896.jpg (900x600, 44.2K)

Alright! Is that why this section was taken away? I added it because I remembered it from an old /run/ thread I had saved. Had a few months break from Zig Forums.

Or get one of these arm bands

Attached: arm.jpg (1000x1000, 457.85K)

You should know those papers are worthless, vast majority of running related science papers are worthless.

>You should know those papers are worthless
None of these are of those 17 approved?