>vast majority of running related science papers are worthless.
/run/ - running general
very interesting
So what's everyone up to? I'm getting myself ready for an ultra, as long as the smoke lets up a bit.
>dude most papers are worthless, you can't just read the conclusion and assume you know have irrefutable truth at your finger tips
>you can easily skew the viewpoint by pulling up a flawed paper and drawing conclusions from it
>in fact out of 1113 studies only 17 were worth anything
>and even those gave inconclusive shit answers like "somewhere between 20% and 79%" which is a shit answer
>but what about those 17 ones though
gee user
>So what's everyone up to?
mandatory resting
user ...
You claimed that all the 6 papers are flawed, yet you have only put forward a reason for one of them. Now I wonder why you think the remaining 5 are wrong. I thought you must have spotted them on this list of 1096 flawed papers in the metastudy you linked (going to assume this study is good), and that's why I asked. If they are not on this list, then your claim remains unsubstantiated. A probability of 1096/1113 does not help much. You need to actually look at the papers, or trust the opinion of someone that has.
>There was also strong evidence that increased training distance per week was a protective factor, although only for knee injuries. It remains unclear why increasing weekly distance is protective for knee injuries.
Look my point is just because somebody posts a study that aligns with whatever viewpoint they already agree with, doesn't mean it's good proof, because a huge portion of studies are shit.
You can find plenty of studies that contradict each other as well.
So we should focus on more objective ideas that can be argued logically, rather than "hur durr we did some tests and found something I guess"
I want to run in the morning but the haze in NorCal is shit. Should I just quit being a pussy and blaze through it with my n95?
Would it be better to do a 20 minute run everyday, or a 50 minute run 3 times a week for cardiovascular health
It's fucking ridiculous. In my many months of running I have gained more muscle, better conditioned body, my fucking abs are getting more and more defined, my top speed has increased, my max run time has increased, my flexibility has increase(due to stretching for better mobility and form)
Pretty much everything you can think of has happened, except my cardio is still shit.
I fucking swear this is bullshit, even by accident I can't imagine how things would have to line up to have such shit progress on cardio.