Something to understand here is I am only talking about yoga as exercise and there are broad types of yoga.
I am partial to those that do not have heated environments or fixed posture sequences (like Ashtanga does).
There's restorative yoga, long gentle stretches with props, yin yoga, which is maybe stretching for half as long (I mean traditionally you are stretching as long as you can but I doubt most can/should do that), vinyasa flows, which is isometric pose sequences separated by pushups and backbends (vinyasa), and more gentle types, as well as "power" yoga involving advanced poses including balancing work, arm balances, and inversions (where your lower body is above your heart).
So, with that out of the way, anyone else doing zoom yoga classes during the pandemic?
To add, the goal of vinyasa flow is to breath audibly through the nose (ujayi breath), ocean-sounding breath, as if you were fogging a mirror with your nose, with each inhale and exhale cued to a movement into or out of a pose. Now, most people aren't going to be able to do that off the bat, and you should take yoga at your own pace, but that's the direction you are heading for. Yoga is about controlling the body (reducing muscle spasm) and the breath, and uniting body and breath which is basically what yoga actually means. Also, there's kundalini, which from my limited exposure involves a lot of chanting, meditation, and also lots of sort of 2-3 minute repetitive calisthenics movements, often fluid, but sometimes static, such as coming from plank to cobra and back for a few minutes, or holding your arms above your head at a 60 degree angle with your hands in a fist and your thumbs extended out upward (ego eradicators). Kundalini is great because it has a lot of accessible but vigorous stretches many of which can be done seated.
Never forget that the Christians like to play with fire, Anons. They must forever be kept from power. The Jewish fanaticism of their superstition already destroyed Rome and it will destroy the Aryan people altogether if we continue to let it metastasize.
I love yoga, we used to heat up the wrestling room overnight before we did it Thursday mornings in college. That was always the best day of the week. Need to get that flexibility back.
Jayden Carter
bit gay desu
Isaac Barnes
Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with being gay, but there are plenty of straight men who do yoga. Focus on the body and the breath and stop worrying about what others think of you. Yoga is to be done for yourself, it is not about other people.