Does anybody else feel like they're too smart to lift?

Does anybody else feel like they're too smart to lift?

Everytime I enter the gym I see a bunch of dumb jock types and I can't help but feel superior intellectually. They're bigger sure but I know I can solve complicated mathematical equations that they cannot comprehend and am thus superior and I feel like a knuckle dragger when lifting weights.

How do I advertise to women my superior intellect so I don't need to engage in this peacocking by lifting? Surely if they know my intellect is superior I'll be viewed more favourably as a mate rather than just having big muscles.

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why not both? solve equations and problems while lifting to make it even harder, based retard

How tall are you Mr smart guy?

>one is mutually exclusive to the other

Don't see the relevance of this question but I'm 5'8". However my brain is 6'6"

How to advertise your intellect to women? Talking to them?


Hahahaha you are a manlet.
That's okay though.
Lift - be strong
Read - be smart
Brain mog and muscle mog everyone (who's under 5"9 lmao)

The smart thing to do is to take care of your body so maybe you're just stupid