How do I get my gf to lose 50lbs when simps on facebook/instagram compliment her anyway?

How do I get my gf to lose 50lbs when simps on facebook/instagram compliment her anyway?

She looks exactly like this big tits and all. She was gorgeous when she weighed 130lbs. Thick but flat stomach and huge tits and ass. Her legs were near chun li. I got ger as a virgin at 17.

How do I do this lads, todays women are something else.

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sofia rose, excellent choice, fellow coomer

Best is Athena Blaze

Tell her you're worried she isn't taking your future together seriously by not taking her health seriously. Tell her by not taking care of herself she's hurting you by making you watch the woman you love slowly deteriorate. Try to be somewhat gentle, but direct. Try to make it clear you're coming from a place of love, but don't beat around the bush. If that doesn't work, get fit and let her catch you looking at thinner girls from time to time, her insecurity will get to her sooner or later. I did a bit of both and it worked for me. Got my girlfriend losing weight going on long walks together and doing squats and deadlifts. It's a start. Kind of worried about winter though, it gets fucking cold here in Alaska and she does not like the cold at all like I do.

How fucked up are things when you can't even tell your s/o that you wish she would lose some weight. Now you get accusations of being abusive, manipulative, controlling - and 50 guys are lined up like hyenas, or vultures just circling around - waiting for their opportunity to destroy your happiness.

Make her delete her social media or dump her.

just dump her dumbass, fit girls are everywhere

it's a lose lose for u OP. u dump her she becomes a cum dumpster for the rest of her life to bbcs. just stay with her

>dating a girl who uses social media

lol good fucking luck trying to convice a woman to do anything when she has an army of simps and chads telling her everything she wants to hear so they can pump and dump her for 1 night.
Just go to the gym and get jacked and talk to other women so you have some options when your relationship inevitable ends.
Dating a woman who is not 100% a follower/sub is a waste of time in the modern world.
this x100
social media is cancerous to a relationship and to women. pure toxic femininity