Self Improvement Thread (Starting New Years early)

Sup fit, decided to make a thread dedicated to self improvement after being outclassed by oneitis and it's been long overdue aswell, what do you want to improve on this coming year.

-Learn Native language
-Learn Guitar
-Learn Spanish
-Continue lifting with schedule
-Learn how to cook and plan out diet too
-Organise finances
-Start blog/reading
-Read more non-fiction books (have a list set out)

Need to develop systems for these goals to work but I have some idea.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Start a proper /sig/ you fuck and get banned by tranny nigger jannies.

Buena suerte con el español user.

I’ve been watching a few YouTube channels for tips in the morning during my stretching routine
Some videos are better than others but you might find some helpful tips from
> Thomas Frank
> Better Than Yesterday
> Art of Improvement
Open to suggestions for other channels as well

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What routine for stretching do you follow? Is it for every day or just rest days?

All this instead of just having a good face

>yeah bro learn some spanish and start a blog, girls love that shit

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I try to do it every day unless something happens and I can’t do it in the morning and forget in the evening
Lower Body:
Upper Body Mostly (I skip all the duplicate stretches):

Thanks user, I'll start tomorrow morning, God bless