If you have a weird profession to be lifting but still lift post itt

if you have a weird profession to be lifting but still lift post itt

priest here

Attached: 1200px-Learjet_GFD_2010.jpg (1200x900, 155.49K)

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Reps for jesus I guess

I'm professional unemployed person


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pastor user, will i go to hell if i have sex with my male friend? i'm not gay, we are just very good friends so i love our friendship.


fulltime schizophrenic

Stay at home son


Attached: Priest_2d7db5_1011860.jpg (476x702, 64.08K)

Attached: 1542525489689.jpg (910x752, 58.93K)

kill yourself

What's an HR?
Modern farmer here. Meaning if I didn't workout i'd be a fat piece of shit.

it's short for Huge Retard

Unemployed here. Someone hire me plz I have a bachelors degree in Japanese and TEFL and i'm amazing with computers and basically anything I learn, I swear.

Pilot. Gotta stay fit sitting in an airplane anywhere from 1-5 hours.

No way a priest uses this website and is a devout christian at the same time

option day trader

>gets paid to be unemployed
So just like everyone else who leaches off my tax dollars.

so is everyone nowadays, bud. you're just a gambler at this point

i have $4500 in scholarship money burning a hole in my pocket. what is a stock I should buy LEAP options on? i'm looking for set-it and forget it type gains

How do you deal with the obese black women in your department?

neck yourself you absolute cunt

If you want in on clown world, TQQQ, if you want to pretend market fundamentals still matter, just do SPY

YO PULSE, my homie is up over 200% on his initial investment in april.

Customer service rep for a failing japanese company. Not a lot of customers these days so i mostly sit on my ass shitposting on pol and fit

Java developer working in Fintech

I know for a fact I'm the only person in our entire building that can bench press 315lbs for reps and am probably the only person that can in our entire company of 1000+ employees

you work at a HFT firm or something? if you work BB or even a nicer boutique there's plenty of chads who can bench 315

nope, my company develops banking and transaction software

also if you dont mind me asking tf u using java for in fintech?

i see now, good for u user seems like interesting work

human resources. they ruin everything.

forgot timestamp - watch from 1:20

Gotta look hot for the alter boys, right?