Suppose you started lifting when you were 20, how easy is it to maintain your looks if you stay consistent with the gym?
Suppose you started lifting when you were 20, how easy is it to maintain your looks if you stay consistent with the gym?
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Lots of dudes can still have a good body into their 70s. Arnold was just a lazy piece of shit (and is now a sellout too)
Twice a week in the gym will get you at least this body until your 60s if done properly and consistently.
ay bruh you posted a washed up roidsfag
its really easy to maintain if you're a natty patty
that's pretty good, does this apply to genecels who don't have asain genetics?
literally never met one 70 year old with a "good body".
injuries happen, life happens. old age happens.
you never in your life worked as hard as Arnold did at anything. That's why he's a Legend and you're just some shitposter who can't get his dick wet.
>literally never met one 70 year old with a "good body".
You can look good but its combination of genetics, workout regime (different workouts taxes joints differently) and mostly vegeterian diet
Roids make you look older, so you will probably look 110 years old if you keep roiding till 70s
Yep, blacks have better muscle genes.
He is going to die swole. Imagine a better death.
he just starting roidng late so that's the biggest he's ever been and his skin is still tight
it's why I refuse to roid before 35 (also hair ofc)
>and mostly vegeterian diet
most vegans and vegetarians look like shit
>be short
>don't get swole/fat.
>seriously, be lifelong skeleotter
Have good Gene's and dont drink.
>if you stay consistent with the gym
That's the key, and that's where Arnold failed.
you won’t maintain just by going to the gym 2x week. you have to have a strict diet for the rest of your life
The real redpill is to stay constantly lean even into your 80s. Your whole life. Never accumulating excess skin once. Not even once. Not a, "I'll just bulk, for this one winter". Not once.
I work in a hospital and I see old fuckers all the time who grew up on grass fed beef and few estrogens. They look nothing flabby like Arnold. One old fucker literally had a very visible six pack and looked ottermode, was 80s, and was slowly losing his mind to dementia.
If you go on a few cycles to bulk up a few dozen pounds past what your height could hold naturally you have to accept that you'll look flabby like Arnold if you are ever forced to get off TRT/dose so low you are at like 400ng/dl (which he had to because he had severe heart issues). You'll be freakishly large in youth but pay for it past 40-50.
I'm telling you right now it's better to be fucking shredded your whole life, even if you take cell tech only ever barely eating above maintenance.
Compare old frank zane vs old Arnold. Both looked good in youth but Arnold won all the accolades in youth, zane still earned some notoriety. Fast forward a few decades and Zane looks 1000x better than Arnold in old age. You'll pretend you don't care what you look like when you age but you will. Your 18 year old self probably thought your 30 year old self was old as fuck.
>Never accumulating excess skin once. Not even once. Not a, "I'll just bulk, for this one winter". Not once.
damn, really?
I'm in the army. There are some generals who are in their 60s with great bodies and are even faster than some troops. It's on lifestyle. Seeing those 60+ year old officers still in great shape and having fun with the lower enlisted is what inspires me to workout to improve my aging and longevity
The reason Arnold looks worse because he had other things, he became a senator while Zane probably just ate and worked out like he always did
So what you're saying is that as a recovering fat fuck, it's too late for me and there's no reason for me not to juice myself to the gills and get so huge I have to walk sideways through doors?
Almost ever classic era bodybuilder is both still alive, and a good number are still ripped
Arnie is the exception because he stopped roids, and became a vegan
pic related
Unfortunately yes. Even if you were 100lbs overweight you have unrecoverable skin folds that will only look worse as you age. You require surgery to cut it out, however much that costs you depends on the extent.
You could roid and probably fill that skin like someone bulking to fit a shirt a size larger. But it doesn't solve the underlying problem, it makes it worse in the medium and long term.
Also don't expect to blast past 40 without severe health consequences and eventually die of LVH induced heart failure. Those shredded old guys you see aren't blasting anymore, they are maintaining a physique with moderate TRT doses (like
>He is going to die swole. Imagine a better death
dying happy
It's true for vegans, but not for vegetarians. I know some who are pretty huge.
This is so true. When was in the air force we had a colonel who was shredded. Old white guy could do 16 pullups and run faster than almost anyone on the 1.5 mile.
I’m 36 and I still wouldn’t roid because I’m not gonna do them forever and I don’t want a shitty body at 55 just because I wanted to be a jacked 40 year old. There are already people my age who look sloppy because they juiced in the early 2000s. It doesn’t appear to last long after you stop and you end up looking worse after than you did before.
His skin being that way is from the fact he probably spent many years over tanning himself which causes the skin to wrinkle more than it otherwise would. If his skin wasn't wrinkly like that, he'd look solid as fuck.
I meant that diet is working for older guys.. ofc younger look better when eating meat, but to look good when old you have to be low bf, and low overall bodymass, or gravity gonna do its thing
>16 pullups is impressive
>1.5 mile runs
God im glad I didn't join the chairforce.
>20 pullups is the norm
>literally never run less than 3 miles ever
>laughs in USMC
>100 iq is impressive