prove me wrong protip you cant. mental maturing takes way longer than it did in the past. Its normal again for children to live in with their parents well into their 30s.
If the agepill has taken you down, rejoice. For you will have a cute 18-24 yo wife when youre 32+ yo after all. Good day
Idk man I’m 30 now and feeling kinda depressed. Best shape of my life but no gf, 60k year job with maybe 10k improvement, have retirement but besides that pay check to paycheck, friends are doing family and businesses while I workout alone at 2am in a small apartment. I need some new goal and I don’t know what to reach for. I need more life and I don’t know how to get it.
Mason Rogers
>live with parents be asian
Ayden Price
>I need more life and I don’t know how to get it
I feel you man. Try break it into smaller things though. Have a think about specific things you want to improve in your life. From your post I can tell you social life and finances are lacking. Start laser focusing onto those problems and what you can do to fix them. It's less overwhelming than viewing it all as one problem.
Grayson Bennett
> Its normal again for children to live in with their parents well into their 30s.
No it’s not faggot. Don’t make shit up just because you’re a manchild.
Asher Diaz
Asher Walker
Dude I wish I had your life. That's my goal right now. What field are you in.
I guess try something new man. You have the resources to travel and maybe start a business. Do something worth it bro.
Nicholas Ward
I'm 30 with a 25 year old gf, weve been together since we were 20 and 25 though
Lincoln Perry
Thank you user, I was doing list with goals before corona and stopped when the world paused. I’m going to have to restart that even with everything shut down. I was so hopeful a year ago and now it seems like the world just turns.
Dylan White
why arent you married
Jacob Rodriguez
29 and on the path to be at a very similar point next year, I know that feel.
By the way 60k for me a year is fucking making bank where i live.
Kayden Gutierrez
I am 29 years old and strangers still call me "boy"
Dominic Thompson
My last paycheck was $1500 net and my rent for my 1 bedroom apartment is 1300. I survive but barely. Was thinking about moving but moving by myself sounds daunting as fuck. Not having family and having literally zero friends sounds horrible.
Kevin Brown
we're travelling mate, when we settle down somewhere I'll pop the question, shes talking more about kids and her friends getting married now so I think shes hinting
Dominic Thomas
T. Has made no effort to understand the world past his bubble
Isaiah Thompson
Go ask right now, if she's hinting that hard she's preparing to leave if you don't ask soon
Jordan Clark
Lmao the guy has years of hinting before she leaves.
Landon Wood
Fuck you bro. I moved out at 21 and hit the streets with $20 in my pocket. I had to learn to mingle with drug dealers, illegal mexicans, and thugs. Don’t make excuses just because you’re a grown man leeching off his parents.
Kevin Wright
My gf has been hinting for 5 years, together 6. Don't worry about it.
Andrew Reed
>I need some new goal and I don’t know what to reach for. What are your interests? Some very broad ideas
- Further education. For jobmaxing, interestmaxing or both. For example coding. - Start a business. Education could help here. - Learn an artistic craft. Could be anything from playing an instrument to writing. Better if this is something you can show off in public.
Jaxson Martin
It's all about perspective my guy. I'd kill to have you amount of money and independece. Moving does seem daunting but maybe you need a change of pace. something new and exciting. Just food for thought.
Adrian Nelson
>moving by myself sounds daunting as fuck Pay someone to help you. If you can find a cheaper place you'll earn it back in no time.
Austin Fisher
nah, her 2 best mates were in relationships for 8 and 9 years respectively before they got engaged, plus we spend every second together living in a van cruising round australia without ever really falling out or getting on each others nerves, relationships like that are rare and she knows it. we're both happy, I'm not worried about it
John Parker
>Fuck you bro. I moved out at 21 and hit the streets with $20 in my pocket.
when was that, 30 years ago? do that today and see where it gets you
Chase Flores
Anthony Bell
just turned 31 and I'm fitter now than I was at 20. im also smarter and more experienced, so I don't care about doing all that dumb 20 year old shit, like partying, dicking around. i just want to keep making gains, make money and improve myself and my life.
Ayden Sanchez
28. still attracting and dating 19/20 year old girls. i'm always dating, but long-term it's really not appealing to be messing with these younger girls who don't have shit going on yet and live with their parents. give me a girl who's already finished school and started her career already at the youngest age possible and then it'll be worth rejoicing about
Caleb Morales
well if the person was like 40+ they probably see you a "boy" considering how young you are compared to them
Jayden Reed
I’m 30 in a week and have a 21 y.o. qt 22/7 gf, close to making 6 figures, own a property now, and just don’t give a fuck any more
Feels good brehs
Kayden Howard
i think he's implying he looks young for his age
Jonathan Taylor
You are delusional and probably a degenerate. gtfo
Jose Nguyen
I was called "boy" even by younger people than me
Parker Nguyen
Kek. Where is this normal? In my country most people move out when they are 19/20 yo.