Rippetoe debating Zig Forums right now lmao

Rippetoe debating Zig Forums right now lmao

Attached: rippetoe.png (2557x1079, 2.36M)

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Listening to it right now.

posting in epic bread

Attached: D2C30B1C-A6BB-4726-8D49-96BD861D4040.jpg (876x960, 76.98K)

holy shit this guy is based. was anti-rippetoe always a meme?

But seriously. Which one of you was this?

is that that fat bastard nick delgadillo that can't keep his mouth shut? we're here for rip motherfucker.

Does this even have to do anything with starting strenght or fitness lmao?

starting strength retard

it says so on the stream

"They all [university professors] need to be dragged out and beaten to death on the streets" -- Mark Rippetoe