Rate me pls honestly. Finally tried to smile in pic

Rate me pls honestly. Finally tried to smile in pic.

Attached: 2C83E1EC-3B5F-4D7B-BD02-72136CAE9150.jpg (1125x1759, 787.97K)

what makes people post their faces on this site?

Who gives shit. This is incel site not hacker site

idk, 6-7.5 I guess? above average I'd say, good enough for most women
>t. 5 on a good day

Your good bro, maybe find a longer hair style , you'd have to take care of it more too. But everything else is good,

atleast 6

7/10 my mang, would let you bust a in my ass

fuck off paks

lose the facial hair

Balding, diarrhea skin/10