FIT...How do you make your coffee????

FIT...How do you make your coffee????

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French press, then pour a double espresso in it, add some cinnamon.

You dont make your coffee in a milk frother, right user?


Moka pot or french press, although I prefer expresso. I have trouble making a good cup of smooth, non-burned coffee though.

kill urselv

In dzezva. T.balkan

Is coffee actually good for you?

Nawh, French Press only. Take it Dark.

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Coffee machine or instant. Always Colombian

Take the French Press Pill user

Who knows user, who knows. Fuels a workout better than any preworkout can so that's all that matters

I eat the beans you mong

I used to be a French press fag but I found the light thanks to my ex. She only did pourover and it's much better, especially if you drink it black.

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I don't, are there any benefits?

With Shark blood and bull semen

With a shitty keurig and half a tbsp of butter in the mug.
Bretty gud

Yeah, it's easy as fuck to do a pourover, very little to clean.

Personally I do the chad tablespoon of Nescafe Gold instant into a splash of cold RO water, then hit the rest with boiling RO water.

If you're going to shit on me because it's instant you hipster cucks need to try some it's pretty decent.

My ex was also all into this fancy coffee stuff. Tastes good, but wouldn't bother making it myself.

can you do a makeshift pourover? I don't want to spend any more money on fancy shit, other than filters.

Based, but don't forget the MCT oil


Recently put my drip machine away and got a french press and a grinder. Much better.

Drip pot usually, sometimes I'll break out the moka pot

Plastic hario and filters for like ten bucks. I just put mine directly on the coffee cup, no need for the fancy base

Its a better preworkout than most preworkouts because 99% of those are artificial as shit

I find that pourover coffee doesn't have that fullness and richness that french press gives you.

The same way I have sex.

I don't drink coffee.


I pour my fresh grounds into my cup, fill it with boiling water, stir, wait for the grounds to soak and sink to the bottom, then drink.

I eat coffee beans. Sorry, they just have a really nice fruity flavor. Swallowing the grounds is a bit of a bother but it's very good.

Yo french press is nice I must admit, but instant drip coffee is great. I am astounded by how Folgers is just as good as any faggy $10 high quality artisan espresso I've ever had.
It's kind of like how you can be poor as dirt but still drink the same Coke that Bezos or Bill Gates do.

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I could not imagine lifting after a cup of coffee, my heart would explode

Its an adrenaline rush that requires primal screaming during every rep

I mostly use a single cup metal basket drip machine, but I also have a french press, moka pot and counter top espresso maker with steam wand.
Worked at starbucks in college, good gig. Really got me into tea.

The same way every day for years. Four tablespoons whole beans (light or medium roast) into the grinder and then pour boiling hot water from kettle into the chemex. Drink it black

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And when I left it also taught me caffeine withdrawal is a nightmare. I was smashing at least a dozen shots a shift, plus the odd tasting and cup of tea and then all the free coffee at home.
I had blinding headaches for an entire week.

Burr, not blade I assume?

One of these bad boys. If the filter is good enough, it'll produce coffee far superior to any drip coffee. Just make it like a tea.

Add some cloves for anti-inflammatory effects before workouts, or allspice for more anti-inflammatory and a bit of extra energy, or some nutmeg with a hint of cayenne pepper and cinnamon which help your body process the psychoactive elements of nutmeg more efficiently for a god-like energised workout. Put some vanilla bean in there as well... mmh.

All these spices and flavours go so well with coffee if you make it this way.

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used to used a regular coffee machine.
now my gf bought me an espresso machine so i mainly use that

heh i actually started out with a nice burr grinder and still have it but these days i use a krups electric.