>white, blonde
>7-8/10 face, dress my best every time I go out, shower and shave every day
>lift 6 times a week, no alchohol, no smoking, no drugs, perfect clean bulking diet
>no gf and no friends whatsoever
I'm losing hope bros
White, blonde
No amount of muscles or fashion sense will make up for a shitty personality
how do i personality, user
t. sperg
drugs and alcohol
Smile more, user. Also, post yourself. You probably arent as good looking as you think.
i have a really ugly smile. also, i am able to attract women but due to my abrasive personality and social anxiety they all leave
its probably too late for you if in your 20s. You really can't change your way after losing so much neuroplasticity. If you didn't have a social reversal 16-21 its over.
Normies can smell the sperg user
19, do i still have a chance?
>white, blonde
>7-8/10 face, dress my best every time I go out, shower and shave every day
>lift 6 times a week, no alchohol, no smoking, no drugs, perfect clean bulking diet
>no gf and no friends whatsoever
I'm losing hope bros
no of those things require other people. Get some hobbies, go places where people are and socialize. Do something. Be a leader in your own life.