Can lifting improve one's "game"?
Can lifting improve one's "game"?
No, but being a nigger can
i don't mind black guys or any race but when fat men get good looking women i feel nothing but pure hatred and anger. my fist is clenched right now and it's literally shaking
Give me a logical, well structured, xplanation on why this triggers people here so much, just curiosity honestly.
Fuck off namefag
Kys Chang
go back to cuck
To this day, my best motivation in the gym is the memory when the dyel 135Ibs twink walked home with the girl I was talking to for weeks.
Incel here. Can someone explain this webm?
How did he convince this slut to fuck him?
me in the back
"mup da do bo fix fi nup nigga muhfuggen uh bix nood"
the guy in the webm talking seems to be in pretty good shape. i think you're confusing him and the fat shirtless guy in the back
because they cannot self insert with the male, unlike the white on white porn they love watching. It's purely a projecting disillusion they face.
whats going on here
white(anglo) american(?) are a disgrace.
Don't hate the guy, he is doing what he is supposed to do.
But how do these white middle class(I'm assuming) women end up in a flat full of negroids?
I mean, you deserve miscegenation. God keep you
It's zoophilia
>talk for weeks
there is your mistake
that flat is fucking nasty, also the fatass negro walking in the back tells you everything you know about this creatura crackden
That’s sad
>twink walked away with girl
Why do you think lifting will help when you were presented with clear evidence that lifting doesn't matter?
Someone is gonna marry that cumdumpster one day.
same. i still can't get over how that whore stole my twink from me
>Jannys allowing this
Imagine my life here
>be me younger
>not ugly but a beta cuck dyel
>grow up in basement on computer all day
>suck at sports
>suck at any team related activities
>no social life other than a small handful of friends
>shit at talking to people
>get into army
>buddy gets me into lifting
>enjoy it
>get big
>get aesthetic
>still have zero social skills
>spaghetti on floor anytime I talk to a girl
>finally get gfs and every one I date says I’m an emotional husk
It’s a curse bro’s. Being able to attract women but not have the emotional or social capacity to keep them
5 years she will be known as a single mother mudshark
Iktf bro
Have secured a few virgin gfs and had sex etc but it just never works out and they lose interest emotionally
get this non-fitness shitstain of a thread off my board
Why was this even recorded? I know blacks get accused of raping white women all the time even if they're false so is this like evidence? I bet this girl got ridiculed afterwards and especially since it's on tiktok. Drinking involved, her friend saw that she's drunk and the guy might be sober or taking advantage of the situation and takes her to the back to fuck her brains out. Seen this shit so many times. Girls just get drunk and fuck whoever puts the most tryhard effort in. Sometimes those "cockblock" friends of these girls help out cause they get too sloppy and dudes get borderline rapey
>t. 5th year college fratkid
>reeeee why do girls like twinks!!!
>better bloatmaxxx!!!!
solid logic
Yeah. Be careful who you date tho. I had one crazy that hated the lack of emotion and personality but really enjoyed my body and sex. So in some weird effort for attention she would intentionally anger me by any means possible just to get a rise out of me. Her friend admitted this to me and a lot of other abusive shit she did became a lot more evident. Women can be cruel man