Roflmao literally fucking dyel

roflmao literally fucking dyel

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>Height 5 8
>Weight 128 lbs
I would have a hard time keeping a straight face if this guy kept trying to convince me that he can beat up much larger opponents because "fire touch water" or some chink shit. lmfao

>defeats you
> marries white woman
> becomes wealthy
> becomes world famous
> becomes beloved and adored
> never once goes on Zig Forums

just be mogged already and move on

>have grave pissed on
>legacy destroyed
>newer generations catch on to your bullshit
>new basis for universal racist fake chinese accent

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cope; Bruce could beat you up with his hands tied behind his back

>dead at 32

145 5'7.5 actually

but yeah he was super hyped up, not at all deserving of his constant props

god, just retards everywhere

he literally didn't lift so of course he'd be dyel

then he cant defend the blast double leg, ezpz

Unironically my goal body, that definition is sick and legends say his muscles were like marble

he did tho, he could hold a 75kg dumbell in feont of him for like a pretty long time or some shit

dont eat food


I am a God!
How could you kill a God?

Attached: dagoth lee.jpg (494x720, 92.31K)

>not doing infinite curls
>making it

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The question is, can an 8ft Bruce Lee defeat a 6ft Bruce Lee?

i mean in all honestly what were his lifts? I doubt he was even close to 1/2/3/4.

yeah he doesn't lift he's a fighter

bruce lee was just an actor that accomplished nothing martial arts related besides his party tricks

>mfw people thought this faggot could actually beat Chuck Norris in a fight

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yeah like you

The only time Bruce Lee actually fought anyone was in high school tournaments. Yes, he won them, but that basically makes him Daniel Larusso.

>>not doing infinite curls
how does one achieve infinite curls

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Even Zyzz, Piana and Rippletits could beat him up.

>a 5'7 Chinese man beating a 6'5 Swede in a fight
in your dreams

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8ft bruce is like 320lbs so prolly

based morrowind poster

ahhh, what a grand and intoxicating smell of creatine

Why do you say that like it's helping your case? You'd probably just give him your wife because of his darker complexion, post body

Mike Tyson would rape him in the ring

Bruce Lee DID lift, and he specifically lifted as heavy as possible, while focusing on cardio and explosivness. Muscle size is bad in a fight and he specifically avoided that.

People itt would get bodied by Bruce lee, theres a reason he's so respected, was decades ahead of his time and is a legend. Everyone worth their salt in fighting looks up to the guy even if he'd be bodied in a modern professional fight, it's because his teachings are fundamental nowadays