How do you respond to people saying you're Zig Forums?

How do you respond to people saying you're Zig Forums?
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i say, Suck on my dick, Bitch ..!

Attached: OK_thumb.jpg (600x600, 32.12K)

Y-you too...
>looks at the ground and smiles

>Wow user you are Fitness & health!

Attached: bruh.jpg (243x248, 7.28K)

>haha you mean I'm making it, fuck yeah brb gonna tell my bros

Attached: strawberrycat.jpg (1045x1044, 164.28K)

>thanks, you too

She looks cute, but that nose ring makes her look like a degenerate whore.

Attached: 2c7e30152f5d613837095c04d7b66b65.jpg (768x432, 114.27K)

I lost a lot of weight over the past 2 years and put on some muscle, got some decent mires even tho i still have some fat
Turns out living for 20+ years without ever receiving a compliment from anyone other than your parents makes you autistic
I literally don't know how i'm supposed to react, even saying "thank you" just feels weird