How do I get rid of boomer feet?

How do I get rid of boomer feet?

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holy fuck how do you get rid of these? my big toes look like that


It's a fungus, you retards. Get anti-fungal foot cream.

Lose weight, don't walk 20 miles a day, don't wear shoes all day long.

Go to a dermatologist + drink water + use heavy heavy heavy moisturizers + bepantol

Take a long bath and get a file (they make ones specially for feet, pic related) and scrape off the dead skin
The soak in water should make the skin like jelly so it's really easy to scrape off with a file.
Enjoy having smooth feet again.
NOTE: This is messy, don't file your feet on carpet like a degenerate

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There some porey stone you can use to scrape off the skin its comfy

epsom salt baths or pure salt baths daily for 30 minutes with very hot water. that and tanning beds or high UV index light

How long for bathing and do I dry my feet with a towel before scraping?

Pedicure you swine

Just bathe until the skin is soft, it'll be pretty obvious if you just touch the area you want to scrape.
It doesn't matter if you dry off, the skin will still be moist

Thanks. Will try your method.

My pinky toes hurt like a motherfucker the past couple days and I did nothing out of the ordinary.
Any ideas bros?

Gout. It's over for you.

Fugg. Going out like a King though.

Take long walks barefoot

And alternative to this is to use a knife. Scrape your foot with the blade perpendicular to your skin. It actually works better if you have a lot to take off.

Belt sander

>find a woman
>go to a dermatologist
>and find a woman

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Take a fingernail clipper and clip some of it off then start ripping and tearing the skin off and clip what doesn't tear off.

are your toenails long? they could be getting pressed in by your shoes or something if they are

use this shit once a week and the thing mentioned here

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Foot mask
Leave it overnight
Google that shit

Scrape during shower then put Vaseline before bed

Stupid idea, it will definitely tear too deep. Bindair dundat.

You dont.

Any callous i get is specifically retained so my feet dont blister up 20km into a pack march.

Don't be a pussy, get a mans job and embrace it.

Eucerin Aquaphor every day, it will be cured within a month, it took me years to find a dermatologist who solved my problem, it's vaseline based so it's kind of a pain in the ass to use it during the day but I use it before going to bed so it's ok, I really thought I was going to have to deal with this shit forever before discovering this, you can use this user pic before the first use just to accelerate the process

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Maybe fucking wash your feet more often and not walk barefoot in public areas.
