Who here Leper-mode?

>walk to College gym
>watch people cross the street when they see me
>mothers shield their children
>gym patrons immediately vacate the squat racks
>watch women literally leave the gym when I come to train
>no one talks to me ever so no distractions
>always have the entire stretching area to myself
>shower and go to the library and sit on the comfy sofas in the collaborative area
>no one sits anywhere near me so I can study in peace
>always have my own row in the lecture hall
Being genuinely hideous has its perks Zig Forums
I literally have not spoken to a single person this year

Attached: images (13).jpg (478x308, 26.09K)

I'd believe it if my own school wasn't enforcing assigned seating because of covid

Post face please


do it stinkbutt

Genuinely curious, not even here to make fun of you because I've got my own self image issues myself and I know how it feels. Please post face

>watch people cross the street when they see me
>mothers shield their children
C'mon man, you can't just post that kind of thing and then not post pics.

I second this


If you want OP to post his face and show us what the big deal is, Gimme a hell yeah!

Attached: listen up.jpg (640x320, 18.11K)