Anterior Pelvic Tilt

So what can I do to fix my anterior pelvic tilt? All the gyms around me are still closed, so figured I'd at least work on this.

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"sitting disease"
Stretch your hip flexors
30s each set, 5 sets each leg every day.
Don't kill yourself but up the pressure and if you can hook your foot into a railing and then gently lean forward that's what I do.

Stretch your hamstrings too. Absolutely straight backed "reach for the toes".
Stretch your core, strengthen that and engage it during walking.
Align your head with your shoulders, make sure your shoulders are on top of your hips when you stand "stand up straight" but without the overextention.
Stretching your hip flexors is n01

While you are doing this, also do exercises to strengthen your abdominals and your glutes. Glute Bridge and the basic Cruch should do the job.

thanks lad, I'll look into it. Do you have good recs for the stretches? can't seem to figure out the best way to do really hit this

The answer op, as an ectomorph skelly who spent most of his life playing vidya instead of playing sports or some shit that normal kids do, is to have specific heavy compound exercise days targeting the back and specific heavy compound days targeting the glutes. Strong back, huge glutes, and add in good obliques and I promise you it will be cured.

Here's a template strategy of how it should look if your goal is only to fix the tilt:

-Overhead press 5x5
-Deadlift 4x5
-Rack pull 4x10 (do this with rack safety bars set so the bar rests just an inch above the knees, exercise is the latter half of a deadlift and will focus the back)
-Bent over row 5x5
-one arm dumbbell row

-Barbell hip thrust 4x10
-barbell squats 5x5

Obliques can be anything you want, as long as you hit them x3 times a week.

Do all of these exercises and everything you need to fix your tilt will be addressed. Also zqueeze your ass when you walk, eventually it will be second nature and you won't need to think about it, but this helps to ensure youre not tilting your upper body forward instead of straight like in pic related option 1

I played sports all my life and have anteric pelvic tilt, it is not necessarily related to your activity


pic related to prove my point, I am top 1% of this board

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Nice ass gayboy

scott herman has a good video on this it worked for me.