causes: >jitterness >bad breath >stained teeth >leeching vitamins and minerals from your body >constantly put stress on your body >dehydrates you and makes yours skin look like shit >brainfog
Tell me why you drink this poison?
Đay1 no coffee i had a bit of anxiety until I took a 20min nap and now I feel calm.
I quit about 6 months ago. I drink decaff sometimes however because I like the taste.
Since quitting all caffeine products I've noticed a few benefits;
>Stable energy throughout the day >No caffeine crashes >Vastly improved sleep quality >More stable moods >Less general anxiety >More confidence >Better breath >Not relying on a drug for energy has helped me develop better mental fortitude and discipline.
For an energy boost these days I use wim hoff breathing and cold showers.
Because is the most natural preworkout I could find, and it tastes great on top of that. Tell me something else to make not sleepy and more powerful at gym (I already do nofap and sleep 8+h) Also >Brainfog The opposite for me actually
Andrew Thompson
Caffeine and vape is the kino way to start the day
Gabriel Anderson
i dont drink coffee instead i blast pre workout before work after getting 3 hours of sleep
Robert Bell
Study after study after study finds that coffee is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality. It also tastes good.
>jitterness This stops after a while.
>bad breath >stained teeth Doesn't happen if you just keep sipping water to rinse your mouth.
>leeching vitamins and minerals from your body Sounds like bullshit
>constantly put stress on your body What the fuck does that even mean
>dehydrates you and makes yours skin look like shit Just drink more water. You're supposed to be drinking a lot of it anyway
>brainfog The fuck? Caffeine is beneficial to cognition and memory, not detrimental
Hunter Anderson
Those studies are funded by big coffee
Nathan Taylor
Also no one mentions the studies were conducted on regular coffee drinkers suffering from withdraw. Coffee is just another crutch, although a delicious one.