Carnivore diet - teeth falling out?

Help me out here Zig Forums. I started the carnivore diet two months ago based on stories from here but it doesn’t really seem to be beneficial so far. The main problem I’m having is that my teeth have become almost brittle? Sometimes when I eat I end up with bits of teeth in my mouth where they just start to fall apart. It’s mostly happening on the molars but you can seem in front where they’re beginnng to wear as well? Can someone recommend how to fix or is this just part of the program everyone has to endure? I’ve also been doing no soap/shampoo and just water rinsing to help with skin composition like you told me to.

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>punk revolution now!

>Hi, I decided to build my entire life around some untested fad diet that violates everything we know about nutrition and has multiple obvious nutritional deficiencies. what's going wrong?!

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Well people here fucking swore up and down that it was the way to go, I'm not a nutritionist? I'm only 19 I can't lose my teeth in my 20s

You sound calcium starved. Immediately go to the store and buy milk, some greek yogurt, and cans of sardines (with the bones and skin!). Eat all of them. Hell, go GOMAD for a week. Then have rice, chicken breast, brocolli, for dinner.

Okay, should I do vegetarian for two months two counteract the meat only two months? I'm so lost

if this isn't bait, seek medical attention, and for God's sake if you manage to unfuck your shit EAT NORMALLY.

No that'll only make your teeth worse

This response was not me, I will try the calcium diet


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