What Tripfags do you guys miss?

What Tripfags do you guys miss?

I miss King Milkfart.
>Pic semi related, you cant deny the mong was entertaining.

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Basically nobody here has been lurking long enough to even remember tripfags, let alone good ones. This board is r9k/pol-lite where nobody even lifts anymore.

Good posters left for a reason.

Ive noticed the general IQ has dropped significantly for this board.

everyone takes trolls and bait so seriously these days.

Someone will blatantly lie and not even try and everyone actually fucking responds.

>>Isley Isley Isley...

Isley was just posting today you jagoff

This. I literally am an oldfag and just hopped on tonight in years... probably not to return for another few years. I'm busy actually lifting and shit.

>supermang 4 lyfe




All I know is that Zig Forums owes me a massive debt of gratitude for single-handedly starting the war between the golden one and dan bilzerian. I was the one who invented the term "melt faced mongoloid" for TGO and "friendless dicksuck dan". I don't see either of those fuckwits or their teams around anymore. I was also the first one to call supermang "Quasimodo". I am waiting in the wings to protect you, my beloved board.

What are tripfags for?

theyre people who actually bring some unique entertainment to the board, until they get chased off by doxxing virgins

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I miss OCB. He had the best body on fit even with ginger genetics. God tier shoulders, traps and chest.

frank yang

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I liked tinytrips autism. I also liked seeing trucrypt make zero progress ever, made me feel better about myself. Least we still have cheeky every once in a while

anyone have the supermang pepe? shit was cash

Is tiny dead or did he get off the internets forever

You are an incorrigible oldfag to remember those names from 2009/10

I met tinytrip 5 years ago, when I was living in East London. Just left the Internet to go be happy doing recreational drugs and having a girlfriend and not spending 12 hours of the day talking about Bruce Lee, anal sex and steroids.

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Of course

Mong's alright. We talk on bookface now and then

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TL;DR Tuna was a pretty based dude. I’m pretty sure he photoshopped his pics though.
Trucrypt, aka towel face was entertaining in a sad way. Midget tinytrip was very aesthetic for a lady.

Whatever happened to mang? Didn’t he break his back or something going for 5 plate DL?

Says a lot about your life that you are still posting here after so many years.

Mirin dubs.

Mong is still here, mostly lurking. I think he and /fraud/ had huge fight last year.

Did trucrypt ever make it? Also what was wrong with his ass?


ATIWAB honestly

Tiny was the Manlet king. Aesthetic as fuark



Sure does.

Otoh, I have a career, a gf that I live with, some hobbies. Hey, some of the friends (that I've made here) have children and find the time to shit post occasionally. Phone posting is magic.

I miss Zyzz bruh

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