Thoughts on Arnie's goblino kid?

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Looks tight. Solid

Here is the mother btw who was the family maid

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He cheated on his wife for this

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If you had a man faced wife that birthed you a impotent weak son you'd fuck the maid too

You ever smashed a frumpy Latina it’s good fun

What was he thinking?

trembo dick is no joke man

Dude that maid has some strong bone genes

His son with her is kinda built compared to the kids he had with hsi wife

Arnies goblino kid is the rightful heir to his throne.

Based latino women

Goblin looks better than 99.9999% of this board.

She looks pretty strong desu and she kinda looks like him in this pic

His bastard looks a hell of a lot more like him than his legitimate son. I doubt he regrets it for a second.

Arnold was pretty notorious for fucking anything that moved before he got married.

when you're high test, sometimes you just need a cum dump to drop loads in. They may be totally ugly with a single redeeming quality. In this case, she may have had nice tits, a great ass, a pussy that sucks up cum like a hoover vacuum, or head skills that would put you into a coma. Look at Maria: she was probably the type of wife that would only have sex in the dark in missionary position and made Arnie pull out. When you're as successful as Schwarzenegger, you just needs holes to blow loads in so you don't lose your mind. Don't delude yourself, EVERY man needs a cum dump that he face violently face fuck and cum in, and a trophy wife that is respectable, will raise high-class kids, and keep her fucking mouth shut. Every powerful man in the history of the world has had this. In fact, many of those men had a single queen -- in the true sense of the word -- and a haram of bitches that had his bastards and drained his balls on demand. It's the way we were meant to live, and anyone that says otherwise or tries to (you) my post to pose a counter-argument is COPING.

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t. virgin

Based and checked
Also checked

This she was probably a controlling frigid bitch

that's what breeding sows looks like

>shriver being a bitch
>probably tried to pull pussy card
>maid literally treated arnold like a god
hmm, when you think like this it's easier to see why he did it. that and the fact and was probably plowing 10's his whole life, maybe the maid gave him something more? maybe she made homemade taco's for him?

>that hybrid vigour
kinda odd that this frumpy latina gives him a stronk son, and the kennedy bitch with upper class genes produces a complete faggot

Heh these threads always have whiny goblins that think Arnie's other kids are bad people for not associating with this bastard.

her ugliness must have reminded his of the women from his homeland

so true

poor work ethic genes.
Goblin has double work ethic genes
Arnies white son would look way better but he's a fatass.

Checked and based

What went wrong?

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german women are hot and blonde what r u on about?

coddling, housekeepers waiting on you hand and foot, no need to strive for anything, an unlimited bank account to act out your every desire, and being primarily raised by your mother and a series of assistants.

not only that but i'm pretty sure she got custody of him and was mainly raised by his mother. one son is close to his mother and becomes a fatty and the other mexican arnold idolizes him and becomes pretty stronk

you mean actual germans, not transplants

this based Chad mutt is stronger than 99% of this broad

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yeah but his other sons and daughters didn't turn into fatties though

Reminder that the Kennedy's are inbred irish retards. Albion knew this.


Whos the broad? Your mum?

I'm sorry you believe this bro.

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This one was raised the same way

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