This is why I lift

This is why I lift.

Attached: antifa'd.webm (1500x1000, 2.2M)

Also this.

Attached: antifa'd 2.webm (320x568, 1.82M)

Wouldn't you be better off just doing MMA

Then my arms would have to be registered as lethal weapons.

You don't lift and go back to Zig Forums niggerfaggot

both these are satisfying kek
literally 120lbs vs 225lbs+

>size doesn't matter
protip it does. nothing saying you can't do both, as you should

Attached: 717.jpg (324x291, 28.31K)

What about this?

Attached: 1.webm (640x360, 1.59M)

For me, its this

Attached: EaVORS4WkAIzccz.jpg (1600x1200, 224.76K)

Whatever happened to that dude? Did he got to prison?

>this is why I lift

Attached: a8f.jpg (480x360, 34.17K)