"SS is a bad routine"

>"SS is a bad routine"

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Yep, and this physique proves it.


SS didn't make that body you dumb fuck.

SS is a decent beginner routine, but yeh this guy is way past SS tier lifts

But it is user, you could achieve a lot more with isolation exercises. Of you wanna do benches, deadlifts and squats and ohps go ahead, but make sure to add isolation exercises cause those are the muscle builders

strength training makes you miss gains. Youre not building muscle youre training them to accumulate more fibers into the exercise, you could theoretically get stronger than a guy doing normal training or calisthenics but they will be bigger over a years training because they can get longer time under tension and less injurys that cut their work out times. to summarize ss routine will waste your time and injure you unless you wanna be a bloated strongman

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Long term yes, short term no. Noobs (1 year or less lifting) make equal amounts of gains on a strength routine and a powerlifting/strength routine

Name 11 things wrong with that physique. I'll wait.

but youre asking a noob to do an advanced training routine on their first year on exercises that will compromise an already shitty form because youre building strength and most likely give you tendonitis for the next couple of years.

>legs too big
>small chest
>unfortunate pec insertions
>traps too big, makes him look narrower
>looks narrow
>lats too small
>dyle rear delts(can tell from sloped shape)
>legs WAY too fucking big
>fuck you

forgot the last one
>did SS

It would be virtually impossible to build an upper body like that if your weekly upper body volume is 3x5 bench press 1-2 times a week and 3x5 OHP 1-2 times a week.

? I have no idea what you are talking about. Noobs should run SS/SL then an intermediate program for their first year. Simple with little room to fuck up

I'll hit the gym for the first time soon, why shouldn't I use SS? I like the body in the op

Imagine actually thinking those legs are at all good looking or desirable. Just imagine.

his quads are too big. he would look way better if he simply had smaller quads. no joke. he should stop working out his legs to intentionally atrophy those huge quads

sick fuckin striations dude, mirin merlin jelly
crush me with ur thighs bro

Mirin hard

SS as written is a meme, but its a good template to build off of. The idea of linear progression focusing on main lifts is great for a beginner, but the upper body volume is atrocious, you only work on one rep range, and you end up builing an unbalanced physique similar to OP. Here is how you fix SS and make it more balanced and more fun, which is important because the best routine is the one you stick to

>Squat 3x5, 1x8
>Bench 3x5, 1x8
>Row 3x5, 1x8
>Push-ups or Dips 3xF

>Squat 3x5, 1x8
>OHP 3x5, 1x8
>Deadlift 3x5, 1x8
> Lat Pulldown 3x12 or Pulluos 3xF

>Same as Monday

>Mirror muscles. Just do bro shit for an hour, as many sets as you can get in of whatever you want to work. Bis, tris, side delts, calves, more chest, more back, whatever.

The program's fine, do it until you stall the first time and move onto more advanced programming for every stalled lift.

>Ottermode torso
>quad off of an NFL linebacker

Man you done fucked up. Enjoy all that chafing and looking like a dumbass in any pair of jeans you ever buy.

Imagine being so body dysmorphic that you think this guy looks bad.
Irony is you probably look like absolute shit too.

He looks good but they aren't wrong about his legs being massive compared to his upper body

Its the perfect physique for gymshark instathots who think squatting is a personality trait

>Name 11 things wrong with that physique. I'll wait.

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>3x5 deadlifts

What day would you add p cleans to ?
Also is the , 1x8 an alternative to 3 5

Just read the book
Don't listen to some retard on the internet

Don't listen to that guy. He is an idiot.

No experienced lifter is ever doing 3x5 deadlifts and then doing 1x8 deadlifts right after.

SS is built off of telling skelly teenagers to eat more and lift more. Are you fucking kidding me, Rippletits wrote a whole program sayint to eat more and lift more and then sells it to a demographic that can't fail to make gains if they follow that advice. Shit man, how much does SS retail for? I'll undercut it with my own book, and here is a sample. It is one page, and the only thing on the page is this line, in all caps comic sans:
>eat more, lift more

Ignore that retard routine.

Just add weighted chin ups to OHP days, replace cleans with dumbbell rows, and add weighted dips to your bench day.

Cheers i guessed it was either or. For a relative beginner SL,SS or pplpplx

OP here, today was my deadlift day and and I did singles up to a 505 max, did 5 triples at 405, and finished with a 15 rep set at 255. Not saying beginners should do 3x5 and a backoff set when they first start out, but the idea of 1x5 being the "gold standard" of deadlift volume is a joke.

Bruh you just described the exact routine that dude posted, minus the backoff set and fluff day