current body thread
>this is what white "mens" dicks look like
you'd know, shitskins love the BWC
> literally MUHDICK
ooh ooh aah aah
Babby dick mode
>wants to piss off jannies
>posts his child-sized pee-wee
Pathetic. KYS, neck hangs 1xF. Loser.
y so smol?
if you're going to post dick, why not something big enough to actually get the janitor's attention
> nigger still going
not a dicklet, LITERALLY barely fit into my wife the first time you seething shitskin faggot, pic related mfw u r "muhdick"
try again :)
>barely fit into my wife
this means she wasn't aroused enough, sexlet
>a dicklet *and* racist
now we know why you're racist, DICKLET.
>he can't compete with BBC
>he SEETHES over it every day
>LITERALLY barely fit into my wife the first time
So you're a pedo, too?
>he molests little girls
>this means she wasn't aroused enough, sexlet
What the fuck? Do vaginas open up when women are aroused or something?
T. a gay
>bragging about your wifes dry ass pussy that only gets wet for bbc when youre at work
wow you sure showed me
I'd just like to state op is doing a good thing by BTFOING /cockandballtorture/ generals. They're all shit.
> nigger mad that MUHDIK didn't work
> continues anyway
lmao shitskins are literally a one track song
>yep he mad
For you I suggest neck hangs 1xF
yeah. The pelvic floor relaxes and the vagina self-lubricates when the woman is aroused. So usually sex is only painful the first time for a woman simply because she isn't relaxed enough
lmao exactly
their other go-to is
> b-b-but we're s-so much b-better at sporst
nigger are in permaseethe (for obvious reasons)
Yes, during arousal the cervix and uterus lift up, making the vaginal canal longer and wider, the vulva gets lubricated and pelvic muscles relax to make penetration smoother and less painfull. You can tell fags that don't have sex when they tell you a pussy was very tight. Their bitch was not aroused.
I'm not white, I'm Jewish.
Some girls genuinely have super shallow/narrow vaginas
If you’ve fingerblasted enough of them you’ll know this. Sometimes a girl will tell you to stick like 3 in whereas with some just half of your pinky will hurt them
keep telling yourself that. I feel bad for the women you've tried to fuck.
Have sex
hahahaha you have the gall to tell me this after finding out you can't get any pussy wet. Ok
You’re retarded
I know, I've had petite girl pussy before. Even then, if you take your time before full penetration you can fit a lot in there. I legit fisted a girl that was 4'10 with my whole hand. I know there is tight girls out there. But you can tell when they tell you that their vag was gripping on their dick. Meaning her pelvic muscles were contracting and she was in pain.
so defensive. Struck a nerve there, huh
Right I understand. Girls are capable of pushing babies out of there so they have to be very elastic and all, but it’s a genuine fear for some even the act of having sex because of how tiny some of them are. (Tard user hasn’t been with asian girls)
This is partially bullshit. Yes, the vagina "expands" and self-lubricates when a woman is aroused, but it's not like it can expand forever, it's kind of like men getting an erection, at a certain point it reaches its max size, and that's different for every woman, like dicks for men. So even when fully aroused some women will be tighter that other women. If you've never felt the difference, you dick is probably so small that every woman is way too wide for you.
looks bigger than mine and Im 6 ft 4 :(
Have you been fasting. That is a lot of loose skin. Should have done ADF while lifting.
you think your dick is bigger than a baby's head? Here's a rude awakening for you: every woman you've been with has probably faked it to get it over with as quickly as they can.
This. You can just feeeel her fucking vagina pushing against your dick. She can be soaked. And then you can also tell when your dick game is going to shit cos she starts drying up. Everyone is different.
Either you are good enough at fucking and you know how to get a woman comfortable and ready to fuck, by that I mean taking your fucking time. Or she has vaginismus and your stuck with unfuckable pussy and she has to work on the condition with you.
No those really aren’t the only options user. Relax and take your meds
nice hair
love the balls
A baby's head does a lot of damage to a vagina, you fucking idiot. Yes it passes through but it can take literally hours and you often need to stitch her up later because it can tear stuff, it's not like it's passing through smoothly and with no problem. The "But a baby can pass through that!!!" is the most retarded argument on this. Yeah it can, and it completely wrecks the vagina.
You will never be White ;)