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The urge to cry is coming along again, and I am afraid the suicidal ones too. But I cant, and I have to maintain my discipline.
Lifes bad
Learn about your condition, friend.
Thanks but I am not american, and I have lots of therapy behind me. Some people are just meant to suffer. Either grit through it, or die.
Tell me about the cook, fit
Explain to me why he was in the photo at the end of the movie? Was he always there? Did he get added to the photo later? Is it just put there to be spooooooky?
>No real obligations in life at the moment
>Daily life is literally college work, gym, wageslave, sleep
>Life is speeding by and while I don't feel sad about it because that means college will end sooner for me it just feels like going through the motions
>feeling just generally depressed due to being lonely, it will eventually pass but right now I find myself pining for a relationship because I have nothing better to do right now
How do I get past this feeling of listlessness?
im over 30 and i feel like im out of options.
I've been working out and eating better and went back to school but i still feel no closer to being able to live in a stable situation.
im just scared, all the damn time. and i endlessly browse the internet so i can numb that feeling.
The entire world is basically one giant "look I fixed it".
Society is collapsing and decaying.
Zig Forums is nothing but frogposts and "lol look at the memes" zoomers.
Everyone expects things to end in grand fashion or a bang.
But sometimes things just die out with a whimper.
Maybe Zyzz was right. Live fast, die young.
bruh. i keep waking up with my chest hurting, my face red, my eyes watering. it's fucking annoying.